What does Any Forums think about skateboarding as a form of exercise?

What does Any Forums think about skateboarding as a form of exercise?

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It's for faggots that use Anthony fantano for music recommendations

Its not really the best cardio but great for body control and stability and really hard. Injury risk is pretty high though so i would not recommend it to people who will be miserable if they need to skip gym to heal injuries.
Also its fucking cool.
t: can ollie and shuvit but thats it


Have you ever met a skateboarder who wasn't a colossal faggot?


yeah tbf tons

>the opinion of a collosal faggot

no actually
It is you who is the colossal faggot
And the thing is
The thing is user
I’ve already won this argument. You have lost
You have lost because
Because I said so!
I’m sorry!
And the thing is
You can reply all you want because
Because I just won’t read it! Simple! I’ve won by default! It really is that simple! Suck my cock! lol!

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Only if you're young and you have kept doing it for years. During covid I bought a board at 32 and last time I skated was 16. It was fun but it's hard on your joints by that age and harder to regain all your dexterity. Plus I live in FL and it's way too hot to skate. I picked up playing hockey instead since it's much easier on my joints and it's inside a nice cool arena.

Excuses. Get cruiser board faggot. Only trick you need is ollie

it's not.

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its barely exercise at all, also skaters are huge fags these days its sad

The fuck does it even exercise? You're not the ine that's gonna be moving around, its "goal" should be to do things as efficiently as possible and even what you do strain is gonna be assymetrical. If you like it go for it, but don't treat it as your way if working out.

The best shape of my life was skating with friends. It's good cardio and a ton of fun. It's definitely a sport that benefits light weight performers. It builds confidence like no other and it's satisfying to land even the most basic tricks. It's addicting with the proper company and you can go on for hours without realising.

The downside is def the injuries, most detrimental to me is ankle rolling. Try avoiding rolling our ankle by keeping wide-toed stance. Most other injuries can be avoided by proper falling technique, obv benefitted by upper body strength. Falling technique also builds confidence.

You're the only faggot that knows him

Ok, now this is epic

uhhh based?!?!?

Its cool

Way better than sitting on this stupid website, but it's more of a hobby than something you do purely to increase physical fitness

skateboarders are usually quite elitist and into niche music genres, idk what you're talking about

>started skating again 3 months ago at 23 after not touching a board after highschool
>got commited and started trick-skating
>have ollies, 180s+fakie down, working on pop-shuvs and kickflips
>every session I sweat my balls off, every session is a grind and workout cause its just jumping and running basically
>lost 5 kg on maintenance
>best shape of my life, lean and full, cardio went way up
>didnt go to the gym or touch a barbell in those 3 months, just pushups and pullups here and there, strenght stayed the same

Yes skating is a good workout and great cardio. Plus it builds your confidence and you look cool.