How do you become a genuinely cool guy?

How do you become a genuinely cool guy?

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stop caring about being cool

charisma maxxing but at the same time don't be a goof who wants to be the center of attention everytime they are on a gathering

be good looking
seriously you can be wearing ridiculous clothing and still look cool

just be cool, don't be uncool.

Just bee yourself

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Op here i am trans btw dont know if that matters.

If you have to ask how to be cool you will never be cool. I can't really explain it. Just be yourself and don't care about what others think but also don't be an autist and take that statement to the extreme. Just be confident not cocky, work out, look attractive, don't be a slob but don't be a try hard, and be good at sports and funny and have a hobby like hunting or fishing.

I wouldn't play video games and wouldn't go on Any Forums > 2x per week. Way too many incels, autists, faggots, transexuals, and dweeb nerds on here. FIT is the only board that is at least normal people that go outside.

step 1 is getting off this website and flushing whatever insane ideas and ghosts-in-the-mind you've accumulated from here immediately
it saddens me that people post this frog without realizing it was invented by pajeets in order to pump a shitcoin pulled from the depths of the ganges

find stuff you like and be passionate about it. don't be self conscious of what other people think of you. have a relaxed enjoyable vibe, don't be stressed and angry. act with purpose and confidence, don't be indecisive. be attractive.

Stop caring what people think. That's the number one thing holding everyone back. They're terrified someone might think they're gay or all sorts of things. That's life and you don't have to care what people think and do

Unironically though, but this only works if yourself is not a massive sperg.

>FIT is the only board that is at least normal people that go outside.

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To be cool you've got to chill out
Easier said than done, and good luck on the path to ice cold.

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>if you have to ask for advice on x you will never be good at x
Fixed mindset, ngmi. Humans are born to learn and everyone has the potential to outgrow their former self. Asking for advice is the first step as it precedes a will to change.

Serious answer. You have several options.
1. Nearly fucking die -> realize life is short -> start living faster and cooler
2. Genuinely stop caring like the smug frog says. It's harder than you think, takes years, doesn't just "click" one day, it takes skill to stop reacting and make others react.
3. Don't be nice. Stop trying to please women, "save" people, help poor, stop thinking about wars and news. Makes you cheerful and nonchalant.
4. Be fit and handsome.

I did number 1, helped immensely, made me realize I don't have much time on this gay earth, might as well enjoy it.

be lean, good looking, a style that shows you are confident in yourself, practical hobbies, flexible body that never moves in awkward ways. basically just bee yourself

wars and news are important because they directly affect my life. What things cost and how much I get paid. How many war refugees are being sent over that could make employment harder.

we support you user dn worry
as long as you aren't a subhuman nazi, all are welcome

How did you almost die user?

I generally agree with your list btw. I've always been cool, as I was always attractive, got girls, captain of the sports team, smart in school; but I can definitely see some fag reading that list and it resonating with the nerd.

yes make sure to keep consuming the news cycle it brings a great many people happiness and you have to make sure you're up to date on the news, not like you'll hear about anything important through word of mouth. Also make sure you win twitter arguments vs bots and have a social media account for every app. Make sure you win internet debates. Definitely don't realize that none of this shit matters at all and you're opinion and vote is worth as much as a crackhead and politicians don't give a fuck about you.

I follow sports news. Thats it. I'm not a fag.

Politics and the news is hollywood for ugly people

I follow news I just don't talk about it much. I also don't use Twitter or Facebook.

>wars and news are important
No they are fucking not. All the normies I know reading news are being overly anxious about the future. Only God knows what will happen, you just gotta be ready anyways.
>b-b-but what if
you'll deal with it WHEN it happens, and you'll have a much healthier psyche and an unobtrused worldview.

A car almost run me over on a bench next to a parking lot, I noticed it and jumped away, its hood missed me by an inch. Some stupid fucking bitch mixed up the pedals and killed a guy in front of me btw. I stopped wearing earbuds after that day.
>I've always been cool

you gotta be cool and you gotta hang out. Use lots of contractions and slang like "gotta"

>step 1 is getting off this website and flushing whatever insane ideas and ghosts-in-the-mind you've accumulated from here immediately
Honest question. Does Any Forums really (passively) ruin your personality? I have been browsing Any Forums, Any Forums, /lit/ and some Any Forums for 4 years now for at least 4 hours a day.
I have no friends and am a NEET so I have no frame of reference of how I changed since high-school.

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