If you could only do one, Pullups or push-ups?

If you could only do one, Pullups or push-ups?

Attached: 112D9EAF-6F85-418D-862D-87537B3715BD.jpg (761x661, 89.66K)

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pullups, so I could line up my dick to that trap mouth




Pullups easy

does anyone actually enjoy pushups? its one of the only exercises i find it hard to breathe while doing

I think bench press is way, WAY more enjoyable.

pull ups and it's not close


Pullups. It’s tough to progressively overload on pushups unless you have a gf to sit on your back. You can always strap a 45lb plate or two to yourself and use different variations to target your entire upper body.

Bench is the most fun lift so that's no surprise.

Sauce on that image? Reverse search did not turn anything up.

I know sauce but I'm not telling you because trap porn is not Any Forumsness.

>It’s tough to progressively overload on pushups unless you have a gf to sit on your back.
lmao nope

pullups all day long. A big back with big biceps will offer much better of a look than just chest/triceps on a thin torso. Also in terms of posture and functional strength, most people have overly tight contracted chest muscles from desk/computer posture where they are hunched over with their arms reaching in front of them for much of the day, as well as loose traps/rhomboids/scapular muscles. Collectively that means that even without chest exercise their posture will tend toward kyphotic back and rounded-forward hunched shoulders with poor shoulder stabilization and tendency toward impingement and injuring rotator cuff. A pullup regimen would strengthen the back, correct this postural imbalance, and make you look and feel taller/stronger

God I want to fuck a gym twink so fucking bad



Get a fucking life and go outside, this is what pork addiction and a lack of positive female influence does to a beta

This explains why so many retards on this shithole website love traps so much

Should do: Pull-ups
Want to do: Push-ups

What a stupid, irrelevant question. It will literally never apply to anything in real life. I truly hope you kill yourself some day.

buzz off loser

Pullups. Humans are pull dominant

Enjoy wasting your life answering totally irrelevant hypotheticals to other worthless idiots who aren't even listening (notice how many people replied just to say the same thing as everyone else. What do you get out of that? "Pushups" Wow thanks for sharing, that was really worth your time to do.)

It’s okay user you’ll be able to do a push-up AND a pull up one day :3