Animal protein vs rice and lentils

How much rice and lentils do i have to eat to get the equivalent of 200g of meat, i.e. around 40g, of protein?

And what kind of ratio? Is there some kind of way to convert it?

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Unironically ask this on Reddit. Asking here will just bring all the mongs out of the woodwork.

You can never reach the equivalent of meat. Meat has micronutrients. Not just protein.

Lots. And it comes with lots of carbs too, more than necessary. You will get fat.
I'm sorry, man, but there's no way you can be vegan and gain a reasonable amount of mass without steroids

I'm not trying to turn this into a lifestyle debate, im asking for a way to convert it.

I was thinking about something along the lines of taking the amino acid profile of meat, say chicken, work out how many mg or whatever of every amino acid there is and convert that to lentils/rice combo.
I just need a bit of handholding

Reddit says it doesnt matter. But im not buying that. If it really didnt matter everyone would only ever eat lentils

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You absorb nearly 100% of the protein in meat, roughly 50% of the protein in lentils, and about 30% in rice. Meaning that you'd need to double your protein intake from lentils to match meat and triple it for rice. Beans are a better option at 70% absorption if you wanted to go that route. The only plant proteins to match meat in terms of absorption rates are potatoes, pea protein isolate, and hemp. The rest are subpar

It has never mattered. Nobody knew what a protein was before 100 years ago. That's how little it mattered.

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>carbs will make you fat
>vegans can't gain weight without steroids
Which is it, faggot?

The Cynics lived on lentils alone and they were the biggest chads in ancient Greece.

picrel. An actual photograph of Diogenes. This is what you will look like eating only lentils and fucking random peoples' wives.

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Where are you getting these numbers from?

Animal protein is low quality and the reason you get bad smelling egg farts. It has unbalanced amino acid profile for humans. Can't do worse than that with plants.

Just made it up desu. It makes sense though.

It's the eternal mental illness of ketolards. They just don't understand how contradictory it is to simultaneously claim vegan diet makes you skeleton and then say carbs make you fat. They're not very bright.

The other guy isn't me. It's from a scale called the DIASS thats set to be used as the standard in the near future. There's another scale called the PDCAAS that's currently in use. Here's the Wikipedia page for it

I found this handy dandy site where you can put in a bunch of plant proteins and it shows you how many EAA there are in a given meal, how much total protein and calories it has too

Fun to poke around in but i think it boils down to the fact that chicken breast is the ultimate protein source especially on a cut.

I guess with how expensive meat is today you can search for some cheap alternatives to replace one meal or something. Vegans have it tough, huh.

Socrates was Any Forumslosopher though


neat, will read. curious about this myself.

How do you make that sauce thick and heavy? Mine is bland as fuck since I only use tomato sauce.

>How much rice and lentils do i have to eat to get the equivalent of 200g of meat, i.e. around 40g, of protein?
nigger learn to read nutrition facts and do basic math

I got this playing around a little bit

Meaning, if you drink 2 cups of milk to your 300g portion of cooked lentils you are at around 40g of protein with just under 500kcal and all EAA... I might give this a shot for a bit

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Its got rice in it so thats what makes it thicc. Also add powdered spices to make the sauce thicker and use less water. You can also just thicken the sauce with a corn starch slury if you dont care about the extra calories

Look up DIAAS scores user, it is quite simple. Animal proteins are superior, plain and simple.

lentilchads check in

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Theyre also more expensive, which is why this is not a matter of right and wrong.

Eat lentils/rice beans/rice as a side dish that complements another protein source you dumb fuckin mong. It's more cost efficient and protein quality is irrelevant.