I just got diagnosed with ADHD

How much will pic rel fuck with my gains?

Attached: adderall.jpg (1200x800, 91K)

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A lot. What's your diet like?

ADHD is bullshit. Made up disease for jews to sell pills

Pretty good. I maintain 300 cal surplus most of the year during bulks then IF for cuts every ~3 months. Im just worried it will reduce my appetite

ADHD is bullshit to people who don't have it. Most shrinks are also pretty reluctant to prescribe stims, and only do so after attempting behavioral therapy.

That's good for gainz but as far as nutrition, are you getting enough B vitamins? B12 is linked to brain functions like attention span and memory. Best way to cover your blindspots naturally is animal products, eggs and red meat especially. I can link a good vid if you want to hear it from a professional and give his advice a try before using legalized meth kek

OP probably hyped up his "symptoms", paid the quack, and got a prescription.
Modern doctors are just drug dealers.

No it’s bullshit. Imagine if you had ADD

Adhd isn't something that a diet change is going to fix senpai.

Bruh you just got prescription preworkout

It absolutely is. Where did you hear otherwise? Every single new "disease" has popped up in the past hundred years when our diet and physical activity just so happened to change. You can't trust the word of companies making profit off of selling literal meth.
I know it's difficult to dismiss the trust in authority figures like "official" organizations, but I literally had "ADD" diagnosed in fifth grade and I thank God every day that my parents didn't give me that poison. It will make you an addict user, please listen. What do you have to lose? The opportunity to pay a multibillion dollar brand for the privilege of brainfog and chemical dependence?
I swear to you, the condition is not something inborn or genetic or irreversible. It's a syndrome. Just give this a try before you irreversibly fuck your life up on Adderall or one of its sister medications: youtube.com/watch?v=pdaJkQfUdYg&ab_channel=Dr.EricBergDC

>because you’re lazy and undisciplined
Posts like this are what gives me conviction to take stims. You fags love to kick a man who's down, and will always find a way to be a little crab in the bucket to attack people trying to escape a prison of their own minds.

No retard, ADHD isn't a "just stop being lazy bro" problem. Some people have major imbalances in dopamine and serotonin levels.

Is there a correlation between nofap/porn addiction and ADHD?
Would I be more focused if I wasn't jerking off every night?

Yes. Try it yourself.

Holy fuck i love that Dr. He's extremely IF pilled


These things will be great for a while (couple months tops) and then the problems start. And the problems will be worse than anything you have now

Congratulations, you're now permacutting whether you want to or not. Went on adderall when pandemic began and went skeleton mode within a few months. Be aware, this stuff stops working very quickly and the tolerance/recovery from it is brutal

The literature talks about distractibility and emotional outburst that characterize ADHD as early as 1902 by British pediatrician Sir George Frederic, “an abnormal defect of moral control in children.” -He found that some affected children could not control their behavior the way a typical child would, but they were still intelligent.-
ADHD is one of the most studied psychiatric "disorders" ever recognized.
Personally I think we just don't get enough exercise, school is boring, and also there are too many modern day entertainment distractions. Its just nature.

Nigger, I take adderall about 5 days/week only 20mg and it hits like a truck every single time. Almost a year since I started taking.

Most likely, porn and masturbation stimulate large amounts of dopamine which makes menial low dopamine tasks less relevant.

>you’re lazy and undisciplined

Only when I’m not on stims. You are correct that my parents failed to craft me into a productive person. But it’s like forgetting to put wheels on a car. The addy is the wheels. Just cuz i have to pay a jew a bunch of money to get wheels doesn’t mean just not having wheels is a realistic option.

>Some people have major imbalances in dopamine and serotonin levels.
Wow, I guess those people probably shouldn’t take stimulants. How many brainscans and biopsies did the doctors perform on you to determine you have these imbalances by the way? I assume they didn’t just ask you a bunch of questions.

It does fuck with appetite though. Usually feast pretty heavy in the morning before I take it (prepping food night before is helpful) and at night before bed.
You can eat during the day too but it is harder, kind of like doing a workout. Got to shove the motherfuckers down and swallow.

>a year
Shut the fuck up retard, that's early days. You're going to eat your words.

wrong you retards people develop adhd in their childhoods not when they are horny teens

You have no clue what you're talking about and just heard somebody else say that. Don't speak out your ass bro

Have fun feeling full at 1300 cals a day until youre a twig.

It's been about 7 years since I first started taking it. I just said a year because I took 6 months off before that.

Tolerance takes years and recovery is almost instant. Won't even show up in your pee after two or three days. It's a great drug and I wouldn't be where I am without it, but people like to exaggerate the effects. It gives you focus, fucks your sleep and appetite, and could go either way for your dick. That's pretty much it. There is no good reason it should be a schedule II or even iii drug.

Interested, its good for cutting you say?

Yes, adderall was originally designed to be a weight-loss drug.

ADHD is made worse and more prevalent because of our modern decadent way of life facilitating ADHD like behaviour you dribbling idiot

People develop adhd when they give up on self reflection

No fricking way