Lifting on a vegetarian/vegan diet

Seriously considering it, but concerned with protein intake. Any experience would be much appreciated.

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easy. dairy & eggs have you covered. if fish is allowed, then fish.
much worse. many options, like peas, beans etc, but all loaded with phytoestrogens and/or FODMAP (i.e. can give you bloating). almost all but soi are incomplete proteins, and all have worse amino acid score than animal proteins.
YMMV, but you're on your own trying to build muscle on vegan diet.

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make sure to eat tempeh.

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You don't.
vegans lmao
>inb4 you post some liar fraud who claims to be vegan and natty

>make sure to eat tempeh

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I didn't eggs even when I was eating meat, and I really hate the taste of them. I was already eating tons of quark so I guess that'll do fine.

That shit is more expensive here than beef but I guess I'll have to try.

I forgot what specifically vegetarians were lower in that might inhibit their ability to build muscle even when they consumed whey. Some speculated it was the anti-nutrients from high legume diets but a lot of it might be low choline levels.

Brah, you're never going to get huge eating like a rabbit.
Get a steak in ya

Everyone on this board will call you a faggot but I've been a vegetarian for 30 years.

If you plan the meals it's not hard to get sufficient protein intake (although I do use shakes). There are so many meat alternatives these days. Today I had a vege burger that was like 150 calories with 14g protein. If you are a poorcel it's probably a bit more challenging but you can just eggmax.

I lift x3 per week for like 2 hours. It's great for a healthy, strong, lean physique. Eat lots of fresh, organic produce where you can and supplement for the nutrients you might be lacking in.

you can still have some decent gains being vegan, but you will must rely on a shit ton of Pea & Rice protein powder and they taste like shit.

Tempeh is absolutely vile

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Eat lots of Skyr, cheese and milk. Personally I love halloumi and egg on a bagel


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use DIAAS for a proper comparison of protein quality

it tells us virtually same thing though

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Derek Simnett

This guy is pretty jacked and vegan, tho kind of a manlet. His recipes and food are all on his youtube, most are pretty simply and affordable. He also gives off WAGMI energy.

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>literal midget
Nigger could take a nap in the gym and come out looking jacked.

>this random picture of a guy who I know would never lie about anything proves it!

Pretty fucking easy.

Generally it's a bad idea to get this type of information from Any Forums. They get all of their nutrition advice from YouTubers.

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Swap meat to lentils and tofu. Literally that easy. If myiu have blender learn to do black bean burger patties, uma delicia.

You misunderstand.
PDCAAS inflates plant protein quality because it doesn't take into account the amino acids lost in the gut that aren't shat out but digested by gut bacteria as opposed to absorbed in the small intestine into the blood supply which is what really matters for maintaining your organs including your muscles.
However DIAAS (which does take ileal digestibility into account) clearly shows all plant proteins (even soi protein powder which is the best plant protein there is) as inferior to pretty much all animal proteins and every other plant protein not even coming close to shitty ass protein from pasteurised milk, and DIAAS doesn't cap protein quality at 1.00 or 100 unlike the PDCAAS chart you posted earlier.
Taking the DIAAS numbers in consideration a vegan would need to eat 50-100% more protein than a heavy meat eater to sustain the same amount of muscle if all his protein came from whole foods.
Even if vegans mix and match different legumes with grains it would simply lead to a compromise.

DIAAS is retarded unscientific measure literally made up by beef industry in a paper funded by Beef Checkoff