How did Rich Piana stay relatively low bf while eating meals (pic related) all the time even in the car ?

How did Rich Piana stay relatively low bf while eating meals (pic related) all the time even in the car ?

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its a banana man also he was on clen

Huge muscles + 8 hour arm workouts + steroids + clen

Enough gear to stop his heart before he turned 40

He constantly worked out and was also on 50 different varieties of roids at once

Its a cookie, not a banana

He didn't have huge muscles, he had side enhancement and pec implants

>whatever it takes

Right babe

idk dude looks like a banana to me

>no peel
>held with a napkin
Pay attention.

Rich's TDEE was probably 5000kcal and his diet was basically a shake, a bunch of small frozen meals, and then one big binge at night. I don't know how exactly it worked but he seemed to be in control reasonably well.

Its a cookie with the packaging peeled down, you can see a bite mark in the top of the cookie

20 pound heart that burns 500 calories/hour

But he was 46

It's a cookie. And it doesn't count.

Attached: 1643427049631.gif (480x270, 2.41M)


it's really not that crazy. he had an absurd amount of muscle (and oil) and trained every single day usually even 2 times a day for several hours.
so given his elite muscle mass and training volume and busy lifestyle always on the go, he easily burned 4000-5000kcal a day.

you can fit fuck a fuckton of food in 4000-5000kcal. If that was your maintenance too, you wouldn't have trouble eating a pint of ben & jerry everyday or a burger.

>he hasn't watched every episode of bigger by the day multiple times
I've never seen him eat a banana, don't think I ever saw him eat a piece of fruit at all

This was never proven. His physique is doable natty within 2 years

This desu. I'm a normal sized human with ~10% bodyfat at 25 BMI and I can easily burn 4000kcal daily, though mine is mostly from cardio, not weightlifting.
The idea of how much food i have to eat is depressing sometimes, but then I can gorge guilt-free on junk food once in a while.