How to Power Clean?

Can someone tell me how I’m supposed to power clean? I don’t know how to do it.

I tried the other day at the gym but my friend says you’re not actually supposed to jump because you’ll fuck up your knees, that you just kind of deadlift it off the floor and then pull it up with your arms

Also is it supposed to hurt your clavicle when you catch it or was i just fucking up? Help

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Find and pay for a coach at an actual gym. The fuckers here will do more harm than good.

Wait really?

Yes, that will work 100% and Any Forums is full of retards.

What is there to even fuck up? It's like a deadlift into an upright row.

I don’t know how to get it to my shoulders and i just hit my stomach

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If you really want to try to figure it out on your own try this.
It's the pastebin from the old olympic lifting general.
You might find what you're looking for here.

Read the book "Starting Strength" by author Mark Rippetoe.
You can also watch instructional videos on by the aforementioned Mark Rippetoe.

learn how to snatch first then cleans will be ez

My process is
>just deadlift it off the ground with normal form, maybe adjust the grip width if you're having issues with the catch. It doesn't have to be fast going off the floor to your knee.
>accelerate to midthigh
>jump the second you hit midthigh
>lean back and shrug hard during the jump
>"throw" your body under the bar
>let the bar down and consider hang cleans for reps rather than the full setup each time.
It won't win me medals but neither does your friend.

>ckean technique

Attached: ImplyingHeteroWitchAcademia.png (846x900, 883.63K)

I changed my mind, this guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

You guys watch anime? I thought Any Forums was for normies with gfs?

i believe after the deadlift motion, it is a combination of a calf raise with a shoulder shrug

For the throw your body under it what do you mean?

Also am I supposed to use my arms to lower the bar on my delts or just let the bar slam down on my delts?

See that’s what my friend was telling me, that you don’t actually jump up that you just raise it up sort of.

But yesterday I was actually jumping up with the bar and I felt like a retard.

First, do it with zero weight or just a 10lb bumper per side.
Start with the bar in clean grip such that the bar touches right under your balls or 1 inch above beneath the hip crease. A proper clean 2nd pull will have your torso only slightly tilted over, most of the drive is from your legs in about a quarter squat or deep dip. Practice this (this is a shallow, above knee hang clean) over and over again. For pulling yourself under in the 3rd pull. Imagine pulling yourself into the bar and getting your elbows around. The bar should be close to your body at all times.

Imagine jumping or pulling up your pants when your pants are at your knees.

Then reverse the movement further, pull the bar under your knee, with primarily your torso, then lower your hips into a full power clean. Doing this process backwards is part of the Catalyst Athletics clean tutorial as well, I do recommend checking that out.

this is so painfully wrong

No, you jump such that the thigh scoops the bar up. Your body will remain on the ground because the bar will push you back down through the ground, at this point your feet are still in contact with the ground (just fully extended), then you pull yourself into the bar.

Wait so who is right?

The first mistake is to think the clean pull is a deadlift, I'm not even going to bother with the upright row part...

Rippetoe cleaning technique videos are not that good, in fact I'd recommend anything but starting strength to learn how to power clean, I bet the Juggernaut Training Systems channel has good videos on learning the lift