Overhead press

My overhead press has been stuck for a month. I’ve been doing 3x8. Should I just go fuck it and try higher weights for less reps, like 3x5 or something? I really want to get stronger at overhead press

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Bumping 4 u cause I love ohp

Do you literally only do 3 sets per week?

Build weight, build muscle. Actually lift until failure


No I mean 3 sets of 5 per gym session. I do Overhead Press 3x5 twice each week. Should I be doing even more?

with the OHP literally training to failure scares me a bit because I imagine my form going to shit and my back giving out from trying to get the bar up. Do I go until I can’t do anymore “clean” reps or do I just suck it up and do AMRAP even if it means risking injury?

How much are you bending your back? I'm never afraid of my back going out. I'm more afraid of dropping the bar on my head if anything. If you bend your back too much you might as well just be benching. Work on your form and do seated dumbbell presses after ohp

Do close grip bench and DB shoulder presses. Helped me get to 225 for one a year ago. Took like 3 years though.

Don't mistake my shitposting for retardness

I’d watch what I post if I were you.

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Try doing a few weeks of 10x10. Afterwards, reduce your rep ranges each week until you're doing sets of 5, 3, and 1.

Stupid, pointless junk volume. Do not listen to this retard OP. GVT style training is worthless, especially for shoulders and ESPECIALLY for natties, unless you’re insistent on getting tendonitis and also spending 2 hours in the gym each visit just spinning your wheels

Your delts are small, they need high frequency to grow. Try to press 3x a week and afterwards your accessories should be focused on improving stability and strength at your sticking points

>No I mean 3 sets of 5 per gym session. I do Overhead Press 3x5 twice each week. Should I be doing even more?
i think you should be push exercises that hit your front delts and tris for at least 15 sets a week. it doesn't have to just be ohp, it can be any press movement (flat bench, incline bench, hammer strength machines). and do more tricep isolation exercises on top of it too. at least 10 sets per week.

Like what are your goals OP? If you just want strength 3x5 that shit. If you want hypertrophy 3x12 at your current weight and increase the rest period to 30 seconds.

I honestly only OHP 40lbs dumbbells 1x a week 3x12 just to maintain strength gains.

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>I really want to get stronger at overhead press
Maybe there are more important things in life.

When you cant lift with good form, do one or two reps with push press instead. Since thats way easier.

Ramping sets

Press 3x/week. 2 hard sessions on Monday/Friday and 1 lighter session on Wednesday. Your best bet at building your ohp is getting bigger shoulders and triceps. Because it’s a light lift relative to bench/squat/dead the neurological component is less important so muscle mass carries more importance. 5x5 on Monday and a 3RM or 5RM on Friday is my recommendation. Wednesday could be 3x15 just for practice and a different stimulus or it could be some BTN pressing or a close grip bench followed by dumbbell pressing. Do dumbbell pressing on Monday/Friday too, sets of 12 or some shit just go to failure and get a good pump to help develop the muscle. Needless to say eat more food.

sometimes forcing higher weights helps. you can also fuck around with your rest periods like doing lower weights, same amount of reps but less rest inbetween. there are many variables you can change.

do cheat reps with momentum at the highest weight you're capable of sustaining. do what ever it takes to get that weight up. eventually the lower weights will go up strictly and you can cheat at even higher weights. don't snap your shit

Add high rep lateral raises and dumbell OHP. That's what I did and it's helping my regular OHP alot

Nothing is more important in my life then boulder shoulders and a 3pl8 ohp