Most jacked guys don't weigh more than like 170

This guy hovers around 165-170 at 5'10-5'11 yet looks huge. Lol thinking you need to be 230 lbs to look big.

Attached: xkEAUkT2ms7VihbG7y3Wh_1WhA4aA4nkHesZy8NsOVU.jpg (140x140, 7.38K)

Because I'm tall. I'm 6'3" around 180lbs and lean and I look like I lift but most of it is in the legs and my upper body needs work. I'm trying to get to around 200.

Huge? He looks like a pencil neck 5 foot 7 nigger
You obviously never saw tall broad men
ayo i be swearin on my momma i iz one sissty five

This is true. Most people don't believe it because they'll be that height with 180lbs at 15% bf and have only a moderate amount of muscle. Getting down to 10 or less %bf makes you shredded, and if at that point you are still 165-170lbs, then you have a lot of muscle mass. Many really ripped guys can get down to 150 and still look like a super ripped 180lb guy

anyone with above 50iq should know this but it's pretty amusing how in every single tiktok, youtube video, ig post etc. you see a guy that's fucking ripped and looks big and he says he is ~160-170lbs and all the retarded 3 month bulking skinnyfats comment "no way bro wtf no possible why u lying man bro i weigh 180lbs bro and im so much smaller bro dude"

people just don't get it that how you look is like >90% optical illusion. I weighed 195lbs on my bulk and I look so much bigger at 170lbs. my arms look twice the size even though the circumference got smaller.

This guy was 5'10 and weighed 220lbs

Attached: tyson.jpg (900x600, 292.33K)

Wide hips ngmi

He's widely accused of steroids once he lost quite a bit of mass and I'm pretty sure he attributed it to not bulking/working out as much, but let's be real dude was a bit too big, especially for a calisthenics athlete
Bro's youtube channel is quite dead now, used to be one of the bigger ones

Attached: images.jpg (201x251, 8.25K)

>Huge? He looks like a pencil neck 5 foot 7 nigger
>You obviously never saw tall broad men
ayo i be swearin on my momma i iz one sissty five

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no shit, 200+ lb lean is not possible natural

Heightfrauding. Dudes probably 5'7". Turbomanlets can look buff without weighing much, look at Jeff Nippard who's build like an absolute brick shithouse at like 165. Taller guys need to be heavier to be big, anakin was 185lbs lean at 6'0" and was just ottermode

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I'm convinced that roids lead to bodies that look big yet are somehow less dense or something. So many examples of roidtrannies who look massive and yet weigh like 30 lbs less than what you'd estimate visually

It's because fat weighs a lot lol.

fat is less dense than muscle

Yes, they look great, in pictures, where only leanness counts
In person they look tiny
I was at a track thing recently and saw a bunch of the athletes up close. The 160 lb sprinters didn't look like much with their clothes on. Meanwhile the throwers who probably had 20%+ bodyfat were massive imposing figures even though they wouldn't look like much in pictures
The 3d effect of 'big' matters more in real life

roiding just gives you a certain 'look'
I am almost convinced you have to roid to look like you lift to most people, because that seems to be the only way to get that distinctive look

Pure powershitter cope energy emanating from this post.

use BMI as reference dumb asses

It’s because they’re all manlets. Tall roiders who look like they roid are rather heavy. 5’6 guys who are shredded and can pretend they’re big on camera for social media don’t weigh very much because they are short. Also if you are shredded you have WAY less fat than the typical guy, far more than people thing. But it’s still mostly the short thing and picture frauding.

Only way to look decent as a natty in clothes is to have good arms/shoulders

I guess what I meant to say is that fatness ads virtually nothing in terms of muscle size and definition but accounts for a lot of body-weight. A guy who is a ripped 10% bodyfat at 170lbs would be almost 190 at 20%. Then factor in the fact that most normies are between 20-25% and you'll realize why ripped people are perceived as small.