Good evening fellas

Good evening fellas

Ulcerative Colitis sufferer here, I posted about this some time ago, perhaps 3 weeks. Just opting in to see if anyone new will reply.
Do you have UC? How have you managed it? Any diets that have helped you in particular?

I'm currently going through a not-so-good flare, and any insight is greatly appreciated


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last night I basednd basedgered your sister

last night i gun burgered your sister?

last night I architect burger hat your sister?

Last night I bond goyslopped your sister?

Last night I agent hold the onions brained your sister?

Last night I PierceBrosnanJamesBondJak WhopperBurgerKingJak'd your sister?

James Bond Burger-Brain'd your sister

bond burgered

last night i gem coal your sister

Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease last year

besides basic diet (no nuts/seeds), avoid sugars, avoid spicy food, avoid carbs

worst part is after the gym i start dry heaving. currently working on weaponizing this against gym thots.

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sorry to hear brother
how has success been in managing it?

last november had a second colonscopy and doc said my gut was completely healed (in remission). I'm off of all steroids / injections except an infliximab infusion every 6 weeks. I'll be praying for you bro, just gotta take it one day at a time.

Thanks homie
I've been trying to get out of a flare by consuming only things like rice, bone broth, meat, and fish, but unfortunately it hasn't really been working out, especially since that one time i devoured chocolate before sleep 3 weeks ago

I'll be trying out the specific carb diet starting tonight, but only what it already includes in general recs for IBD flares

so basically i'll be doing carnivore + a few fruits

and if that fails, i'll go 100% carnivore

last night I bond burgered your sister

I would try to limit rice. If you can do potatoes. Stick to bone broth and meat, low res. Also I found with fruit/veg I gotta take the skin off (apples, pears, potatoes, cucumbers, etc) it makes it easier to digest but it's a pain in the ass.

>ears therefore coal

Last night I sneedfully feed your seedster

I don't get it.

Last night I pistol whopper'd your sister

I've stopped smoking and my symptoms have improved, it's quite disappointing that smoking does not help me since there's a lot of research on cigarettes and the positive effect it has on UC.

Currently on Prednisone and Mesalamine, it got me into remission in about 2 days.

Look into prolonged fasting and Intermittent fasting. I've heard of people who went on a 4 day fast that put them into remission.

Your body starts autophagy after about 72 hours of fasting.

Brosnan is the 9th James bond
That burger was the number 6 on the menu, that joke is always told backwards, like Brosnan is the 6th actor to play Bond and the burger is the number 9. So, last night I 69 your sister.

What should my rest heart rate should be, and why 78 is bad while resting?