Ronnie Coleman was natural here, thoughts?

Ronnie Coleman was natural here, thoughts?

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He was, in fact, not.

Yea he was

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Considering he is the best bodybuilder of all time, it seems reasonable enough. I'd assume from the caption he was only weighing 200lb and this was in 1991. He didn't win any pro shows for another 5 years or so.

This does not mean it is a reasonably attainable physique for a natural. YWNB Ronnie Coleman.

No, he wasn't. Coleman himself doesn't know what's natural and what's not, his claims are all over the place.

>it seems reasonable enough
Holy fucking shit this board is retarded

Imagine if he took roids

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Is it really a stretch after what he became? You, as a mortal just cannot comprehend such genetics.

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He was the best to ever do it. He dominated Pro-Bodybuilding during one of the most competitive eras it had ever seen. OPs picture is him weighing 90kg at the age of 27. Thinking that THE genetic outlier can be 90kg after training for a lifetime already is reasonable.

Between OPs picture and the peak of career he had put on 50kgs of muscle. Most steroids users can't even put on 1/4 of that. Him adding that much muscle would point to that he is a hyper-responder.

juiced up since high school

Every Olympia winner would look like they're on gear even if they were natty. Meanwhile, you incels would look natty even if you were on a gram a week.

>Considering he is the best bodybuilder of all time, it seems reasonable enough.
yeah bro, if you got to mass monster level on steroids, that means you have been a regular roider level natty. that's totally how human body works!

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thought his dick was out there for a moment

Ronnie is absolutely not 90kg there, he is 180cm tall he is at least 100kg in that photo.

Ronnie's full of shit and always has been.
>Is it really a stretch

oh wow, how do you know? Is it because Ronnie Coleman claims he was natural? You're probably right, it's not like a bodybuilder would lie about that kind of thing


yeah, ronnie is full of shit but i don’t think it’s crazy to ask
“can the greatest bodybuilding genetics of all time reach OP picrel naturally?”
and answer with yes
pretty sure he looked like a fucking freak by the time he turned 13 lol, i’m talking about a physique that i would be happy with to have after 10 years of training