I'm bulking and hitting all of macros including protein easily in about 1500 calories of actual healthy food...

I'm bulking and hitting all of macros including protein easily in about 1500 calories of actual healthy food. I add another thousand calories by drinking soda. Aside from the fact that sugar and caffeine aren't good for me and I get horrific liquid shits, is this actually making my bulk less effective than if I had rice or something?

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No way this is real. Prove that you're drinking 1kcal in soda.

Your teeth will fall out and you'll blow up a hole in your intestines

Straight up retard.
80-120g sugar in that 1k calories you fucking moron.

There's dirty builking and then there's liquid sewage bloatmonster bulking.

I take that back , anywhere from 250-300g sugar per your 1k Calories.

You can't make gains if you're blowing everything out your ass as diarrhea.

yeah listen to this guy, you need a buttplug to make sure your calories get absorbed before you shit it out

Two Rockstars and two Pepsis a day. 1040 calories, 264g sugar, 442mg caffeine. I don't plan to do this permanently but I've formed a pretty strong habit. How long can I sustain this before I get diabetes?

The shits don't usually hit until the end of the night.

Stop please

>I add another thousand calories by drinking soda.
>thousand calories
>by drinking soda

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Do Amerifats really?

T. Canadian faggot

Hope u like needles cuz u bout be type 2 diabetic

I was working 10-12 hour over night shifts at a Pepsi warehouse. Could grab free shit off the shelves whenever I wanted. Started drinking a lot to stay awake and keep my working pace quick.

I'm aware there's much healthier ways to consume caffeine. I'm going to switch to yerba mate. The actual leaf stuff that you fill the mate with and not the canned or teabagged shit. Used to drink it with my dad before I moved out. Didn't realize one mate is 180mg caffeine or about equivalent to a doubleshot of espresso.

But I have a hard time eating a lot so it's going to be a struggle to fill those extra calories.

I am Canadian bro.

Nigga just make a peanut butter and jelly. Easy 500 calories right there.

1kcal is only 1 Calorie ya donk. I just want to know why the fuck OP is not drinking milk instead faggotpopcola.

I would slaughter 1,000,000Persians to gain access to this cunny

please bro???

She reminds me of one of the prostitutes that I fucked

realistically no difference. on a micro level yeah you can argue bunch of things.
i have not experienced any difference in clean vs dirty bulking assuming i still ate the same amount of calories and protein. what the rest of the fat and carbs consisted of was irrelevant.


Calories aside, you will fill better if you drop the soda