Why did asian male became so emasculated when they literally had super hyper masculine figures in their history/culture?

Why did asian male became so emasculated when they literally had super hyper masculine figures in their history/culture?

Literally their warriors were also great poets/scholars.

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The cultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Chinese race
As for nips and gooks, I suspect it has something to do with their current work culture

because most mainland asians can probably trace their lineage back to early pastoral civilizations and not the nomadic steppe tribes you're thinking of

too much soi sauce

i think it was always like this and you just fixate on the masculine ones
for every samurai in edo japan there were probably 100 meek little rice farmers at any given time

Confucianism + communism.
They never had a chance.

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Overly strict parenting -> escapism in games

China says it was a CIA psyop after WWII to feminize Asian men. After all the men staring at goats shit it's definitely in the wheelhouse of shit they'd do.
>According to The Times, the report, called “Do you know how hard the CIA is working?” condemns the rise of “feminine male artists” and pinpoints their origins to Johnny & Associates, a talent agency started by American-born Japanese businessman Johnny Kitagawa. It claims that Kitagawa colluded with the CIA to “weaken the male temperament of Japanese society,” which led to the effeminization of celebrities across Asia, spreading to China.

These sorts of psyops have nothing to do with the apparent lack of dimorphism, and generally feminine phenotypes and traits in Asian men.

There literally is not that big of a difference and most studies show that modern Chinese/Japanese test levels and US/European test levels are vastly varying but similar in variance and mean at 5000pg/mL and their heights have been catching up because people are recognizing the merits of higher protein diets. Cringe racist.

It's time to change your vocabulary.

Uh oh, the grammar police is literally here haha!

Kek a fucking rock on the ground could see the lack of dimorphism and general feminine qualities of Asian men m8. I mean you can read 1,500 papers that try to explain it away but the reality will still be there looking you in the mirror.

I'm not even trying to make a bants thing out of it m8 I'm just interested why it is like it is.. because it obviously IS the case. What would cause someone to protest something so manifest? It is bizarre.

asian cuisine before: meat, milk, eggs, fruit

asian cuisine after: onions onions onions and a lot more onions (rice too)

onions onions onions

soi soi soi soi

(newfag didn't realize)

Mongolian rapebabies

>Literally their warriors were also great poets/scholars.
*their noble caste
Peasants did what they were told and put up with the shit of the ruling class like most other places.

They eat nothing but rice and soi products.

soia-fec peasants overthrew the masculine aristocracy

I have my conspiracy theory about this, but it's a bit different than The feminization of men thing is a global phenomenon filtered through various cultures. It arguably comes in large part because we don't have to prioritize masculinity anymore - we're not having to actively fight anymore, we don't have to hunt, we don't even have to worry about maintaining some sort of honor culture. We then layer on various other effects - birth control provably changing womens' attraction towards more feminine men, the overall development of a monoculture where everything goes, the push towards more desk-based work - and you end up with skinny/weak/weird men.

That said, I'm not one to complain, as the usual situation still plays out. Girls might whine on Instagram about how they want sensitive men all the time, but then only really get turned on when you damn near brutalize them in bed.

Largely because China, or at least its core, was fairly peaceful. During periods of breakups (you know, typical china) yeah traditionally masculine traits would generally be seen as most desirable, but then china reunites and suddenly everyone wants to emulate the effete looks of the guys who pass their imperial exams effortlessly.

Bro China's entire history is just a revolving door of one "dynasty" or group just running roughshod over the bug peasants killing and raping the hell out of them. Then in a generation it would happen again like clockwork over and over again.

There is literally no other group of people on earth that have had such a sustained collective history of being ground to powder by their invaders and various overlords.

Only the mongols were chads, and that was only before they abandoned their nomadic lifestyle and became cityslickers.

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