My shoulders are flat like this guys. How to get pumpkin shoulders?

I have been training my shoulders hard for years but they only look flat like this pic related guy. How do you get the popping/pumpkin capped delts that you see on so many guys?

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I know this might sound crazy but you could, you know.. train them. Crazy right?

Shutup nigger

Capped delta are a clear sign of roid use. Are you on roads, op? No? Well there you go. Such is the curse of natty lifting.

Big round shoulders are the calling card of the fraudster
Yours are fine, comparing yourself to riders is a road to madness.


yeah bro just train haha 1-2 years hard effort and u can look like jeff seid haha

yeah right, seething about roiders on Any Forums is a MUCH better option amirite?

Just get an extremely heavy ohp with full rom, no pressing from the chin bullshit. Pic related. My strict ohp max is 225lbs. Natty btw.

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In most cases yes. Some people have the genetics for them natty though, like me.

>strict ohp max is 225lbs
time spent to get there?

Feeder workouts man, did you not follow lord Rich?

6 months I blasted like fuk

blasted tren amirite roidtranny

he's just internally rotating his shoulder, as you can see from his bis/tris. Even perfect round shoulders will look weird and flat in this pose, they look best with the arm rotation either at neutral or slightly externally rotated. But in answer to your question, a full, well-rounded shoulder workout hitting the 3 heads of the delts will build this kind of roundness. I feel like that goes without saying tho

nice how old were you and what was your blast?
would you say it was worth it

and are you cruising now or have you hopped off and did your balls recover if yes?

I started with sarms and then jumped straight onto high tren for 2 cycles. yes it was worth it but women are repulsed by me now
I have to cruise cause my balls don’t work anymore but that could well be damage from excessively vigorous masturbation so it’s hard to say

thanks for the reply
good luck

Take PEDs. Usually people's shoulders don't get huge without PEDs. You could train them more with front raises and side raises and bent over raises.

Not me
1.5 years but I have a genetic gift for muscle development. My buddy who ohps almost as much has noticeably smaller shoulders but they definitely look big by comparison to the average lifter. Just get brutally strong in all regards and you will have decent shoulders if not amazing.

Quit lying and pretending to be me you little sad faggot

stop larping as me what the fuck is wrong with this site. Touch grass faggot

so no roids?
what your bw for the 2pl8 press