Hello Any Forums rate my minimalist PPL

Hello Any Forums rate my minimalist PPL

3x8 Chin-ups
3x15 Rear delt flyes

3x8 Decline Push Ups
3x15 Lateral Raises

3x8 Bulgarian Split Squats
3x15 Hanging Knee Raises

Attached: 42353453678.png (219x230, 10.15K)

Enjoy your minimalist progress


isn't less more?

I am wondering if i can do legs & push on the same day, also if i can do pull & abs.

Attached: 20220717_231632.jpg (739x885, 135.25K)

I'd rotate chin-ups in and out every other Pull day to avoid overtraining but otherwise looks solid

you mean rows or pull ups?

It was a joke, telling you to take off volume off a program with extremely low volume, so that you'd do only a single exercise every other Pull day

ah, silly heheheheh...

just say consistent and fuck a 6 days on one day off just dont rest and stay rotating. why are you trying to keep it so barebones?

no, more is more. Less is the opposite of that.

>why are you trying to keep it so barebones?
because I'm based like the pepe in the OP

nah, nothing based about doing a faggy minimal routine with minimal gains unless you are training or doing some really obscure shit. you're just doing fucking chinups and decline pushups lmao

maybe I will add some bodyweight rows and pike push-ups. other than that why should I add more exercises?

>bodyweight rows
pike pushups might be based but you should be doing double what you are doing or more for best results. a good minimal program would be maybe 5 movements per session not fucking two lol. you will still improve but I just don't know why you would want to do it so slowly unless you just hate exercising

2/10, abysmal volume and even worse choice of exercises. Volume is so low you could do all three workouts in one session and probably be done in less than 90 minutes, better off doing full body three times a week if this is your idea of volume. Then there's the fact that 3/6 exercises are bodyweight, you'll stop making gains real fast since you aren't overloading. Not to mention one of your "leg" exercises is actually a core exercise. Honestly just scrap it and do a premade PPL from Reddit or something, you'll be better off.

What about this?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-07 at 00.28.59.png (1482x1774, 288K)

RDL instead of leg raises

Hamstrings? Glutes? You are also lacking volume, unless you are a total noob 6 sets per week are not enough.

Definitely better but still pretty weak, especially legs.

newbie here going to piggyback off this thread: What's an actual good beginner PPL, hopefully with some accessories?