I started TRT this morning. My T was 206 when I checked it a few weeks ago. I'm 36...

I started TRT this morning. My T was 206 when I checked it a few weeks ago. I'm 36. I was in great shape before the quarantine but a sedentary desktop among other factors cause my T to drop, and my weight to go up.

Does anyone have personal experience with TRT? What should I be doing to maximize fat loss and gains while using TRT?

Attached: Testosterone-Hormone-Structure.jpg (7000x5546, 1.97M)

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R.I.P. ur heart, sperm, balls, legacy

Dam synthetic test? Reminds me of DES. TRUST THE SCIENCE I GUESS

Why are you parroting jewish perspectives on male sexual health?

because the second you start fucking with your hormones in an unnatural way, bad shit is soon to follow
I saw a few family members fuck themselves up with this shit and die of cancer
stay pure and clean brother

>start fucking with your hormones in an unnatural way

Like living a sedentary lifestyle, locked down, and eating shit food for 2 years might do?

that's not unnatural that's just you living your purpose as a depressed passive aggressive retard
case in point, your solution to solving that problem is to inject your body with a foreign hormone in hopes to fix the problem
you're amplifying all your troubles and deepening your insecurities
how much further would you like to go here?

>things that never happened

my uncle-in-law (is that a thing?) literally died from ball cancer
my aunt died from ass cancer and she fucked with her shit a bunch
my family is extremely healthy overall
don't fuck with your shit

Shut up, jew.

Attached: 24d7f9f60bb9b943d0462500f1c57f6c2cecfb5d28d568215effd4c77ac70efb.jpg (480x360, 25.36K)

>Does anyone have personal experience with TRT?
No. Not me or anyone else that's about to give you advice
>What should I be doing to maximize fat loss and gains while using TRT?
Ignore everything the cretins here have to say and do what your doctor tells you.

> Does anyone have personal experience with TRT?

Naw literally no one on a fitness forum has done gear

> What should I be doing to maximize fat loss and gains while using TRT?

You’re taking medicine to make your body normal. So workout normally and expect normal results

And you honestly think this comes from trt?
Every woman on the pull is unnaturally altering their hormones.

It's a biased opinion but I have been on roids for the better part of 10 years. I had a full checkup including scans and I'm in peak condition.
Yes this included running multiple grams stacked and a full year on a medium dosage of tren.

The body isn't a miraculous machine that can regulate everything well. Will things be fixed with a proper diet and at least some cardio? For most people definitely. But trt is not the devil.

you're selling out your health for insecurity that you wear on your body and everybody knows it
why would you do that?
obese people are in 'peak condition' according to doctors, don't listen to these retards
you know your body has been feeling worse since you started
nobody should do that shit

i'm shocked that you're attention starved enough that you'll argue using adrogens to match a normal T range would be detrimental to health. Peak retardation.

I've actually downsized so don't call it insecurity, some people enjoy pushing their own limit up until a certain age. Just because it triggers you seeing someone like me doesn't make it revolve around your opinion. People like what they like.
I had a full heart scan, very little to no plague buildup and the only enlargement is a sporters heart.
I feel great user, never felt better, I'm turning 37 this year and run circles around people my age.
It's a decisions for life and should not be glorified but you're incredibly ignorant if you ignore the potential benefits.


>I did this, I've done that... and I'm healthy, but I only like pushing myself, it's not insecurity
fucking kill yourself if we're being -completely- honest, you're the most dishonest and pussy-less mother fucker I've spoken to here today

pleaaaaaaaaaase pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Oh user you completely saw trough me, you know me so well.
Enjoy being bitter over something that'll never be your issue, hopefully.

bitter? what the fuck
nigga my t is literally what all of you guys pin and hope to reach, and I got it naturally because I'm not a genetic dead end

If they're genetic dead ends why even remotely care how they fuck themselves up further with pins?

It's sad seeing you seethe so much, get well soon, this kind of anger isn't good for your heart either.

you're projecting, I'm fine
pushing fucked up people further into a fucked up state is the way we remove fucked up individuals from our fucked up world.