More boys are dropping out but they remain in the dating pool

More boys are dropping out but they remain in the dating pool.

All you have to do to get laid in the future is

>have a good career
>have some assets

And you will drowning in pussy, there such a high supply of women right now but a low supply of quality men.

Doomers will look at this period as dark but Chad will look at this like paradise.

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i hate the modern world so much

Working out and having a job (both things that are normal, not special) won't do shit for you unless you fix your shitty feminine personality.

Forgot a few

>be 6 feet tall
>have a good chin
>have good teeth

Missing anything?

There's an even lower supply of high quality women. High qualities being chaste, virtuous, feminine, etc.

That so dumb down though. There a difference between working in high finance and working as a convenience store employee.

>be Any Forums
>spend all your waking hours ogling women and encouraging them to give up casual sex
>where did all the chaste women go???

Correct and the convenience store employee will mog the ((()))slave all day long if he has the confidence and charisma to do so.

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Not balding

>boys falling behind
>Women hardest hit

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not my problem

Ah yes, the infamous hacker known as Any Forums.

We need to start exterminating inceloids

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I'd love for one single person ITT to explain to me how attraction based off literally anything besides height and face isn't just betabuxxing with extra steps.

Male partner height is the no.1 predictor of relationship success.
Male facial attraction is correlated exactly with perceived personality and the literal definition of arrogance is having an exaggerated sense of self-worth i.e. your height and face don't match the confidence you're pretending to have.

and so we then have status and money, which only attracts women because it furthers their own ends either by increasing their own status or popularity or by giving them access to money and a fancier lifestyle.

Explain to me how a rich short ugly man generates genuine carnal desire in a woman, and his ugliness isn't just the price she has to pay for the handbag she wants or the holiday she's dreamt of going on.
Explain to me how you at 30 years old with a single bedroom apartment and a share portfolio have women lusting after you over a male model.

You can't because you're coping and you're trying to redefine betabux as 'high value male' when you don't understand that the only type of high value you can have as a male is good genes, height and an attractive face and that it's your intrinsic genetic value which defines the validity of your success in life

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>he thinks 95% of Any Forums doesn't share 95% of the qualities that brought them here in the first place and leads to their being genetic dead-ends
and you aren't part of the 5% just because mommy said you were a special boy, you're as much of a basic bitch as the others

The number one thing you can do to get a great woman is have confidence and charisma. If you believe you warrant a 10/10 you'll get a 10/10
The problem is that confidence and charisma are the things Any Forums actually can change about himself, so instead of doing just that he will make any and all excuses to claim he is disqualified from the dating pool because in spite of his sexual frustration it's easier to blame someone else than himself for his shortcomings

>be jeff bezos
>have the confidence and charisma to navigate your business to become the richest man on the planet
>get mogged into the stratosphere by a guy who remembers and regurgitates lines from scripts other people wrote
hmmm try again bro

>having what it takes to serve as the figurehead for a DoD/CIA intelligence front is the same as what it takes to get women
not even getting into the fact that these guys all have Cabal assets as SOs

all due to the internet btw

I plan on homeschooling my kids (if I'm ever blessed with a woman to bear my children).

You need a somewhat “feminine” personality to maiximize pussy these days. Be confident and assertive of course, but you also have to be a good conversationalist and willing to go out and dance and shit a lot. If you only leave the house to lift and work women won’t be into that.
That said, caring about this shit is stupid. Just find one good woman who lets you be yourself and marry her. Doesn’t matter if it takes a long time to find that woman, you will eventually.

>You need a somewhat “feminine” personality to maiximize pussy these days.
Jesus Christ

This is cope. No amount of confidence will make up for being a pear shaped short nigga with no chin.

>You need a somewhat “feminine” personality to maiximize pussy these days.
JMO but this is the wrong mentality. You are not trying to "maximize pussy" but find one person you actually enjoy being physically and emotionally intimate with for the long haul. I realize that sounds gay but it's a better recipe for happiness.

This tranny with 7 likes on its tweet represents all women