Do I look like I ever went to a gym at all?

I'm embarrassed to say how long i've been working out.
I only recently started eating properly though.
It's been 3 days since i've been to the gym so no pump here. Do I have any potential at all?
76kg, 183cm

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Your, forearms, arms and shoulders are that of a weightlifter, stop having body dysmorphia now or an hero

yea man don't worry about it, you just got body image issues / its in your head, you look good. Just need to cut like 5lbs and do more ab work to have it all come together

Don't I have a really subhuman chest though? Someone told me that my chest is really small not because of the lack of muscle but because of the size of it or the insertions.
Thanks though, needed a confidence boost.

I'm actually trying to bulk right now because haven't made any real strength gains in months. Some of my lifts are the exact same as when I started working out. I don't think maingaining works for me.

yes you do to anyone who actually lifts. to someone who doesn't and thinks going to gym once makes you look like the rock or a dysmorphic roidtranny maybe not

you would change your tune if you lost 5 true pounds of fat (NOT WATER AND SALT).

Try to get to 72kg in a month, maintain and maintain strengths on the lifts you care about.

He doesn’t have a chest bro. Wtf does he need to cut for?

Could be insertions, could be it’s just underdeveloped. Keep hitting the gym and eat above maintenance. If you aren’t progressive on your lifts, then you either aren’t eating enough or your workouts aren’t intense enough. If your lifts and weight are going up but your chest isn’t growing, then it’s a problem with your insertions but you can’t know that yet.

Because you have no chest
Once you grow it you will look Chad
You're only as strong as your weakest link
You only look as good as your weakest muscle
Nontheless, based bro split enjoyer

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your arms and shoulders look good, start focusing on your pecs if you're after the 'gym bod' but really it doesn't matter, muscle is there to serve a purpose, if the purpose is because you want it and it'll make you happier then work on those parts. The rest is fine. it's probably mostly in your head. do you do leg work?

I'm trying to bulk actually. I've noticed that unless i'm in some sort of a surplus my lifts go to shit.
Would at my DYEL level it be better to gain muscle and increase metabolism first? I'd like to get to 82kg.

Long term yes. what i am trying to impart on you is that if you look DYEL to normal people on the street its due to your relative lack of leanness rather than muscles which will be apparent while lean. normal people have low standards for muscular. if you magically gained 6kg of muscle and no fat you would look enormous to most of the population.

How long bro, I have an even worse physique after 5 months…

>do you do leg work?
I do but I only started months after everything else lol. Will wait another while before posting pics.
Thanks bro.

A year, 6 months properly or at least I think. I've made most of my progress recently.

You have below average chest genetics but thats ok. Nobody really cares except for fags on Any Forums and yourself.

can I still make it look good eventually?

Yeah that’s not that bad then, I have probably twice as bad after 5 months. What keeps me going is the cope purported by people like Natural Hyphertrophy and Geoffrey Verity schofield, that it’s a marathon not a race.

True. You only gotta mog yourself from a month ago.
As long as you lift and eat you'll make progress.

could be bad genetics idk, it still looks decent and you have a nice physique overall, keep it up

You already look good bro

Youre probably not at your genetic potential for chest so just focus more on bench press and other chest stuff but honestly its not a huge deal.