Framelets, there is hope

Framelets, there is hope

Attached: D700F3A0-9210-4280-BB05-3D77156DDF0B.jpg (1920x1080, 428.28K)

Just do them with cables or a machine, it's a single-joint lift anyway.

Attached: CBSeatedStraightArmPulldown.gif (160x120, 106.42K)

Why with the back only partially on the bench like that? Could you lay on the bench like normal? What is that changing to lay on the bench with just the upper back like that?


It's actually best on the floor

This exercise ruins my aesthetics so hard

Shut the fuck up misinformation spreader

so you can put your butt down and get a bigger stretch
if you do it on the floor the rom gets compromised imo its better in the bench

My shoulders always get fucked during this.

A bigger stretch for what? Isn't the lower body stretch position for the lats with your hips hinged?

I love pullovers, my community college gym had the 2nd gen Nautilus machine pullover. Sadly no public gyms have this machine. Best exercise to isolate the lats.

Attached: Machine Pullover.gif (400x224, 1014.03K)

What does it even do?

To drop your hips for stability

bros should it really hit chest like the images imply? I only feel my lats while doing them

I get some chest activation when I did these but I feel the lats most of the time.

When will people realize that OP is referring to the “pullovers expand your ribcage” meme and is not just recommending them as a general hypertrophy exercise?

It's a meme but true, although I think the best benefit of the exercise is nucleus overload

LTE> these

The only way I can reliably grow my triceps. My lats are already oversized from pullup prowess but they get some too.

It's to stretch the lats, pecs and serratus anterior. Appearantly, if you do a deep breath on the end of the lift, your ribcage grows and your frame will become bigger. According to some people that is.
It's a fantastic stretch for better posture anyway.

I tried it and, I didn't feel anything, maybe some tiredness in the shoulders after a few sets but it's all, nothing in the chest, am I doing it wrong?

>Thread about an exercise that targets the lats
>Starts posting about triceps
State of Any Forums trannies and gentlemen

probably not, tho it will probably get the serratus anterior a little
can you clarify how/when you drop hips for stability?
you are probably not depressing your scapula. If you aren't depressing/retracting your scapula and holding them there, your shoulder is not supported and will move in ways that cause pain

>nucleus overload

You drop your hips so you don't fall backwards. Also to actually get a stretch on the anterior muscles. Your hip should be dropped during the entire lift.

If you've ever done this exercise you'd know that it's impossible to lift heavy enough to stimulate growth in a big muscle like the lats. Also yeah sometimes your triceps get sore because it's a long ass range of motion, so your arms are bound to pick up some slack.

yes, it definitely turns into a triceps exercise in part, and if you have outer elbow / triceps tendon pain, it will really hit that in a painful way
interesting, I think I see