Questions that don't deserve their own thread

I'll start: assuming I have all the time in the world is it a bad thing if I take 5-6+ minutes rest for certain exercises, if this allows me to do one or two more reps? Mostly on compounds

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Assuming I have all the time in the world is it a bad thing if I take 5-6+ minutes rest for certain exercises, if this allows me to do one or two more reps? Mostly on compounds

bf% estimate? 90kg 185cm

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What's another good full body exercise like burpees?

Why didn't you niggers tell me how based a simple foam roller was? A weeks worth of fatigue washed away in 5 minutes the first time I tried one.


If you have long rest times, you need to do separate cardio but it's better for strength except you can't continue to increase rest times so at some point, you'll need to tighten them back up.

You don't have enough mass for pictures to give an accurate estimate
Order calipers and test yourself

Recovery is more important than lifting, long term

You should order a GF and a stiff muscle roller (looks kinda like a kitchen rolling pin. That combo can remove 100% of knots in like 20 minutes where a foam roller can't get the small ones

do bench presses count towards my chest or my tri sets? both? full sets for chest half sets for tris?

I've never had a problem in the small muscles, only in the large leg muscles after I started running.
I already have a wife so I don't need to order a GF, but I'm too autismal to allow them to touch me in a non-lewd way.

not a bad thing. I'd say 3-5 is the norm for heavy compounds. up to ten minutes is fine.

both. but you can prioritise one or the other depending on grip width and bench variation.

Kinda intermediate lifter, was doing basic compound and reached 1pl8 to each.

Did ready about the benefits of alterning two types of workout in the week, came up with this :

Workout A :
> BB Bench press
> DB Shrug
> BB Squat
> Machine vertical Lat Pulldown
> Machine Leg extensions

Workout B :
> DB Flys
> DB Shrug
> BB Row
> Machine Leg Press

Extra exercices :
> DB Twisted curls
> Plank
> DB Drag curls
> Windshield wiper
> One-leg stand

Is going A-B A-B a good method or do I really need to also alternate the two workouts cycles ?

I was going for :
Monday : A
Tuesday : B
Wednesday : rest
Thursday : A
Friday : B
Saturday & Sunday : rest.

Heavy skullcrushers feel realy shitty on my elbows. Do I lose anything by doing cable extensions instead?

If im doing 3 sets 6-10 reps on bench press on my second upper day what rep range should i do on my first? Was doing 2-5 but im stalling hard and not able to get past 3 reps now, would 4-6 be any better?

Former fatty here, lost like 80 lbs and started lifting after that. It's been about 4 months since I started. I've been conservative with my calories since I'm scared of getting fat again.

I've basically stayed at 89 kg @ 188cm since I started lifting but all my lifts have gone up substantially. I've put 40 kg on my deadlift, 30kg on my OHP etc. I've read that you can recomp easily as a novice, is that what's going on here? I wouldn't have been able to increase my lifts this amount if I didn't gain muscle right?

Just run SS with accessories and cardio after
You aren't advanced enough to make your own program yet

With equal weight I would say no. I injured a tendon years ago and haven't been able to French press or skull crush but I do heavy controlled cable extensions and they work the same at the same width and grip as skull crushers

Since you just started, you can likely gain a bit of muscle while maintaining/cutting but it'll stall out quickly
A lot of strength is just CNS conditioning as well (think of that normal looking dude that can squat 4pl8)

>you can likely gain a bit of muscle while maintaining/cutting but it'll stall out quickly
So I should then wait to up the calories when I stall?

I've been doing calisthenics for one month, because I don't have easily accessible gym and I like working out outside. Recommend me how to improve workout for max gain.

push ups 3x15
pull ups 3x10
dips 3x8
chin ups 3x7
push ups (different positioning) 3x~13

Doing this ~5 times a week, sometime mix grip for pull ups. Last set till failure.

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I'm working out with dumbbells and my left arm always fails before the right arm, especially when doing something like standing press.

What do? Do a whole week when I only train my left arm?

Im this guy Have been on 6 months SL 6 months of nsuns
Went down to 74kg from 79kg the last 3 months
Am 176cm

Should i bulk up again?
Cut more down?

BB rows on legs or upper body day

I'm confused as to how supression of testosterone production caused by steroids and SARMs work. The mainstream view is that once you hop on gear, that you've fucked up for life and need PCT and all that stuff. But upon further research, it looks like you can dip your toes in those dangerous waters, make a slow exit, and fully regain your testosterone production. Can you take one cycle, taper off the dose, quit, and be fine, or is there more to it? If you can, would it be worth it to try out as a novice lifter to come closer to your natty limit, make a slow exit, and enjoy being ahead?

Resting more between sets and exercises is actually a good thing if you can push out more reps as long as you have the time for it.