Any Forums Supplement Stack

What's your stack, Any Forums? I've been researching and thinking about buying all these:
>Tongkat Ali
>Lions Mane
>Fish oil
>Vitamin D
What MG should I get? Just the highest available for all of them? Will I turn into a vitamin charged Ubermensch?

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>raw garlic
>cacao powder
>raw curcuma
>apple cinder vinegar

>preworkout supplement

i’ve heard a lot of people say, “yeah ashwaganda made me less sad/anxious but it also made me feel less of every emotion” meaning you just feel meh everyday when you take it

pic related. Just started caring about my body a few years ago, what else do I absolutely need to be taking lads?

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I feel meh every day right now though

>Vitamin C
>Fish oil
>Protein powder
>Vitamin D
I think there should be some research done on collagen with joint health. People say it promotes skin and hair health but vitamin C does that a whole lot better while collagen literally made my joint issues just go away

ive been shooting fat loads since

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Recent studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids don't have a significant effect on heart performance or health, and probably doesn't decrease cardiovascular disease instances. Also it's possible that if you're hypertensive it could increase the chance that you get erectile dysfunction.

For supplements that I recommend, I recommend EVERYONE gets vitamin D3, vitamin B12, and iodine supplements. For me, I also take ashwagandha, L-theanine, and 5-HTP.

Also if you're on a low meat, no meat, or pescetarian diet I'd recommend you take a Zinc supplement. (or if you're interested in getting huge loads of cum).

Fuck bros I wish they made Flinstones vitamins but in adult dosages. And no, I'm not just taking two of them, that's not the point.

Iodine is definitely an important one if you don't eat seafood. I don't even think a multivitamin contains this mineral

Well I'm not hypertensive, and i'm pretty deficient in them otherwise (very rarely eat seafood), so i'll probably stick with this even if it might not be all that effective.
>D3, B12, iodine
Well, theoretically I should be covered in all of these by the multivitamin (pic related). Only D3 is a bit short (50%) and I think I can make up for that since I live in a sunny area and my cardio is walks. Would you recommend additional supplementing beyond the level of the multivitamin for any of these?
>ashwagandha, L-theanine, and 5-HTP.
I'll look into those
Should be covered by the multi, and i'd say my diet is moderately meaty.

Thanks for the advice in any case.

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Most don't seem to, but the Kirkland one supposedly does.

I would take more zinc than that, safe upper limit is 40mg. Plus zinc is handy to have separately as you can take it at the onset of cold symptoms.

What the hell is ashwagandha supposed to do anyway
I've been taking it for a week now and I'm not sure if its supposed to be doing anything for me or not

I guess I should've phrased this differently, have you guys noticed anything different? I haven't.

I've read zinc, magnesium and vitamin D have shown to increase testosterone levels any truth behind this bros?

Can someone tell me if there's a big difference between 250 test and 450 test? Apparently tongkat ali will raise test levels around 200 points with blood work evidence to back it up, which sounds like a lot since you're nearly doubling your T, but I've also heard 850 t minimum is what you need to really feel and see effects.

you don't need all that shit

buy ground flaxseed for omega 3's, it's about $3 for a month's worth. Also eat tuna / salmon / deens

get vid D and maybe magnesium and maybe fiber supplements. All the other shit is a meme



Horse cum

It made me feel like I was starting to have a nervous breakdown the two main times I committed to taking it for multiple weeks. The first time I didn’t make the connection since I just stopped taking all supplements in response, but then I noticed the correlation the second time.