How do you have the motivation to lift in the knowledge that one day you will die and be gone forever?

how do you have the motivation to lift in the knowledge that one day you will die and be gone forever?
You are fighting time and aging , its an up hill battle that you will lose. how do you keep going?

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I mean, what else are you going to do? Just sit there and wait to die? Your arguments are stupid and immature.

> how do you keep going?

I don't want to die never knowing what my body was capable of.

>our arguments are stupid and immature.
There's nothing to do.

>I mean, what else are you going to do? Just sit there and wait to die?
ive been lifting for 2 years, i just like posting this

The universe in which I am dead is something that I will never experience by definition, meaning it's not something worth worrying about.

your mom is a hill

What does it mean when this user replies with "cope" to the thing he quoted? I don't understand what is being communicated here. I don't know what cope means and what it means when its used here. Can anyone explain?

ik this is how you rationally cope with death but the animal deep inside you is still terrified

I lift because it's fun and I like looking better in the mirror.
Why do you do anything if you're going to die someday? What an incredibly vain and idiotic mindset.

The animal within me honestly gives even less of a shit than my rational mind. Maybe you're just low test, or young?

im 43

animals aren't afraid of death, they are sometimes afraid of being killed

Cattle die and kinsmen die, thyself too must die, but one thing never will die, the fame of one who has done well.

Fair enough, older than me, then. Perhaps I'll also reconsider when I'm older and closer to the end. Perhaps that's just the midlife crisis

He's saying that a reasonable and intelligent viewpoint to OP's non-problem is just a way of coping with the "problem"--basically doubling down on the immature view that "I'm gonna die anyway so why do anything" is a real obstacle that needs to be addressed or tackled.

Thats not the guy you responded too, has trolling. I've just turned 20

>you will die so why even exercise
You will die so why even eat fattie mcfat fatso?

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Something is not precious because it lasts forever.
Memento mori is not nihilistic, it is inspirational to take risks and achieve something that can resonate through the ages. Lifting may not make you go down in history as a Herakles, but in the span of time gains are exponential for the right people.
>have a son
>be strong for the son
>the son follows your example
>the son helps his friends become strong
>the son goes to produce more strong children
>those strong children repeat the processes of their father
Man does not prosper living selfishly, but for something greater than himself.

Knowing you will die should spur you to action.

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In that case, I'd say it's pretty normal to be asking this kind of existential questions right now. You'll stop caring in a couple of years