Is anyone here inherently weaker than average?

Is anyone here inherently weaker than average?

In HS when I did weight training I could barely bench the bar maybe 3 times.

After a year of HS weight training I eventually came to be able to bench 130(10 reps)

I was able to leg press 1300 pounds though.

Oh and even when I could bench 130, I couldn't do a single pull up.

What the fuck is wrong with my genes?

Attached: RDT_20220705_0233032718596929696269948.png (4540x9019, 909.89K)

Have you been physically active before in life? You a boy or girl?

pagans are weak


Guy, I was only physically active in HS. But I was back then.

I'm weaker now that I'm in my 30s, I'm slightly above sedentary but sometimes I can't even open a bottle. I'm gonna start lifting again soon just so I can hopefully gain the strength of an average male my age.

That's literally a symbol from the manga Berserk.

Soon doth butter no parsnips

say it to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

What does that mean?

Soon isn't good enough

>lift for years
>can only bench 80kg

Better than me, but I sympathize fellow genelet.

>Is anyone here inherently weaker than average?

Post body lease

You are not a pagan

I was, had one of the weakest grip strength scores in the class, now I'm not.
Hit 1/2/3/4 got ripped 6ft 185 14% bf natty with a 300lb gripper max
Get after it.
>Verification not required

I was, but after 10 months lifting I think I can now say I'm at least average

I always thought there was something wrong with me because I was so weak compared to other men. Turns out it's because I weigh almost 20kg less than the average man so no wonder 65kg skinnyfat me can't lift as heavy as other men who are 80-90kg. Now I've started lifting so on my way to strengthmog them....

Yeah it’s because I’m tall though so I was always underweight until I was 22. I started eating more and lifting a few years after that though. 40kg bench press was hard at first but now I can do 70kg after 6 months. I’ve got a long way to go but I feel capable of doing it now. I only wish I started sooner

yeah i was born with a club foot

I've started working out this year (did it before, but had a >6 month break, so idk if it counts. I've worked my way up to a 1RM, 40Kg bench press (that's just the plates (20 each side), idk how much the bar weighs). Pretty proud of myself.
You can do it too OP, keep working!