Be 6'2" slav immigrant

>be 6'2" slav immigrant
>still can't find a gf
>see quite handsome women walk around with bald sōy manlets
Why are couples like this so common now? I thought these women waited for chad in law/medicine/finance, but then chad never came. Now they have to settle with a beta techie.

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>I thought these women waited for chad in law/medicine/finance
imagine believing the internet about anything

Women habe realised that some nerds make a lot of money so they date them while fucking Chad on the side.

Why would you think being a slav is considered a plus? One step up from gypsies, barely.

>be 6'2" slav immigrant
Go find a slavic girl then, faggot. Imagine having access to the top tier of women and actively pursuing used up amerifats instead

Kys nigger

The male equivalent of the walled carousel roastie is the skinnyfat STEMbug soiboi who spends his disposable income on gundams
this is what women have to settle for because good masculine men are a rarity

It's a settle move. They have all the power in the relationship and an extra income from their little slaveboi, but they certainly wish they could have better by locking down an alphabux

>top tier of women
Everyone laugh at the retard

Good masculine men are neets because they know that the money goes to Jewish interests.

would rather take a man over an american "woman"

what's up with slavs and homosex

seconding She wants chad, but more than this she wants to drink, eat netflix, watch hot chips, cover the house in 'live laugh love' posters and throw pillows, and not put out when she is 'tired'. It's like how guys want to be muscular, but not as much as they want deep fried krispy kreme.

>>be 6'2" slav immigrant
Another retard that fell for the fit meme... I bet you unironically also think you get aesthetic by copeshitting...

you have a shit personality

>inbred "(((WEST))) european"
whos the real nigger whitoid?

>women waited for chad in law/medicine/finance
>chad never came
>Now they have to settle with a beta techie
>OP crying bc he work hard to get a chad and is unwanted now

poor OP

it's a hard time to be a slav immigrant nowadays

money is more important than good looks
but, women still want good sex
so if you provide money but you suck at sex, she'll date you, but cheat on you
if you provide good sex but lack money, she'll fuck you, but she won't want to date you
if you provide neither, no woman will want you
if you provide both, as well as looking good + having charisma, you'll be very desired

the issue seems that you lack the money, and you want a relationship?
if you're jacked and tall you can find sex easily, but if you want a gf you need to be successful, you need to provide value

charisma and looks matter for the initial attraction, but ultimately, if you can't provide sexual satisfaction or financial stability, she'll lose interest
even if you're an ugly sperg, if you take a bitch to a nice restaurant then make her toes curl in bed, she'll stay

>but they never even imply that they want sex!
they do, but unless you're extremely handsome, you'll need to bring up the topic

you have to go back


>but they never even imply that they want sex!
when I was in highschool I thought girls were asexual kek

Don't believe everything you read. I'm a 6'0" shredded Norwegian Chad lite with a high status career and I can't get a girlfriend because I work from home and don't have any women in my social circles and I'm too autistic to functionally use dating apps plus I don't have anyone to take photos of me. Women don't magically flock to you, you have to go out and pursue them. Gym maxing, style maxing and career maxing mean nothing if you aren't capable of basic socialisation. Unfortunately you cannot train to become less autistic.