GF earns twice my salary, is there any hope in outlifting this?

GF earns twice my salary, is there any hope in outlifting this?

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kill her

Aim for status and a good body instead of money then. More than one way to skin a cat

Quit your job and start dressing like a schoolgirl and let her peg you when she gets home from work

Does she mog you aswell? If so be fucking greatful

You need a new girlfriend. If your GF makes more than you they just nag you to death. It's why women shouldn't be allowed to work because it drives both wages down and the female's income is a meme.

what's your jobs?

You should breakup while you still can, quitting while you're ahead isn't the same as quitting

of course you'll ignore this post, but remember it well when the inevitable happens: You could've actually prevented it

beat her to assert dominance

What’s her onlyfans?

She is fucking her boss

This thread is full of cope.

>be Any Forums phd student taking home a $17k stipend
>live in trailer home while suffering through degree
>in a relationship with a attorney pawg making $90k/year
>mfw she often tells me it’s hard to find good dick
>we’ve been dating for over a year

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fuck, she was the one who got away frens.

How much does she make exactly? If you're not making over 50k, it's time to reevaluate/learn a skill. If you're not making over 150k, that's a little more complicated.

only a matter of time before she cheats on your pathetic ass user

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You are a retard even if you are getting a PhD. Every attorney is a retard who simply got where they are because they’re narcissistic and sociopathic. Retards can pass the Bar, but anyone who after taking the exam enters that “profession” is not worth being around unless you plan to execute them

>broke ripped drug dealer mode

This is why I live by myself at 29
I will never get a GF and I never will.
60k a year civil engineer
I will die alone and thank God

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Is that the Belize flag? That's awesome

How do you only make 60k? Do you have a PE?

I make 63k as a geologist at 25 without a PG.