Babbie's first ppl

is this a good program ?

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Add bicep curls and tricep push downs


And knee extensions.

Ive been curious about switching to a PPL program and this is pretty much what I would have written

Pullups instead of chinups but idk if theres a difference between the two

Awful, just do the reddit PPL

>Deadlifting and squatting on the same day.

Also, leg curls? why?

This is why beginners shouldn't write their own programs

chinups have greater ROM and allow for higher weight but pullups look more aesthetic so people pretend the difference is similar to conventional vs sumo deadlift

pullups are more of a lats isolation
chinups are a compound, they use more muscles so are easier but they also work more muscles so...

Why are you only doing three exercises lmao that is utterly retarded

leg day is only reasonable one.
>5x10 chin ups
good luck lmao
>no bicep or tricep isolation
>no lat raises
it's shit

>he cannot do lmao5x10 chin ups
>he thinks his opinion is relevant

>beginner program
>5x10 chin ups
pick one dummy
and I'm perfectly able to do 5x10 chin ups, thanks for asking

1) I didn't say it's a beginner program
2) even if it were, you could do them assisted
3) post body this instant

no other exercise solicitates knee flexion

Push: cancel the dips and add triceps iso. Also add iso for the middle delt.

Pull: cancel the push downs, your lats get plenty of work from the rows and chins. Leave out bicep iso for the same reason. Add rear delt iso. Also add shrugs.

Legs: Looks good

So we end up with something like:

military press
overhead rope tricep extention
Egyptian cable raise

Pullups or chinups
reverse pec deck

Legs stay the same.

You're welcome

Prevents injury as part of the hamstring crosses the knee and can only be worked via knee flexion.

not deadlifting on pull day

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