Redpill me on only nose breathing while doing cardio

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I was reading about this awhile back, aside from the basic bitch benefits you can see on google immediatly one thing interested me. Building up CO2 resistance in the blood through nose breathing during cardio, this would improve your stamina and such
CO2 resistance is something divers train for and allows them to remain under water for a long time. They don't train it through nose breathing, just breath holding. But it probably works through nose breathing too since it also restricts oxygen flow just less so

Idk about cardio.
But I tape my mouth at night to force nose breathing
Improves sleep by a lot.
Have to have a slight gap in the tape otherwise you'll occasionally wake up gasping for air cuz ur nose got blocked.

I just notice that when I start mouth breathing I get chest pain. If you keep it in the nose you'll have more burn but it goes away after a while. Once you get that crampy shit you're fucked

>tape my mouth at night to force nose breathing
this doesn't work
either you will remove it subconsciously or suffocate

you're a retard and I hate every single faggot on this board

Interesting. I went for a run to increase my stamina and forced my mouth shut by clenching it and only breath through my nose. I did this because my throat would get dry and cold due to breathing through my mouth at times. I did know it would help with blood circulation when breathing in a calmer matter but not this.

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Mouth breathing makes you uglier, less intelligent and healthy.
Not activating the muscles used to breath through your nose leads to atrophy of these muscles and can cause slight facial collapse and all sorts of breathing issues.
The nostrils actually dialate and contract based on mood and brain activity in order to regulate. Some days you will notice more air going in one nostril than the other, it is not always because one is blocked. Some peoples nostrils are even on lunar cycles.
In a couple of studies, lol, lmao, breathing through the nose resulted in lower heartrates while performing the same exercises, longer times and further distances during cardio. Not sure how much can be trusted in this day and age but some of these studies go back 30+ years.
Either way, almost every society and culture has myths, manners or superstitions about mouth breathing causing illness and stupidity.

I dont remove it while sleeping and im still alive so fuck off retard. Why you talking about things you know nothing about?

It's a meme, endurance/VO2 max is built with volume

you can suffocate without dying

I learned that breathing through your nose is healthier because the hairs help filter it a bit but i dont know if its factual or not

Is this only for breathing in? or also for breathing out? Because Ive been taught very early, way before I started working out, that you should breath in through the nose and out through the mouth when running

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When I run in winter to avoid cold throat when breathing in I place my tongue to the mouth roof. This way air gets warmer.

Just shut the fuck up retard

what does this even mean you stupid fucking idiot
i wake up with the tape still on my mouth and i have never died

>you can die without dying
off yourself

yes, that is one reason to breathe through your nose
a more important reason is that THAT'S WHAT YOUR NOSE IS FOR

ESL or just absolutely retarded?

do you retards breath with mouth during workout?