Is porn/masturbation really that bad for you? im trying my hardest not to relapse right now

Is porn/masturbation really that bad for you? im trying my hardest not to relapse right now

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>Is porn/masturbation really that bad for you?
No. Do you think the guy who rawdogged your crush in highschool did it because he got "superpowers" from doing nofap? No, he did it by not being a meek faggot who scapegoats all his failures on to random shit like jerking off. Stop making excuses for your self and tackle the real issues, not pretend ones

It's a crutch. Have more sex and the urges go away. Fix the root issue

Yeah its shit. Coomers are all fat ugly incels anyway, why belong in that demographic of genetic dead ends

He was probably too busy fucking women to look at porn much

Just jacked off like an hr ago and already forgot about it. I only wank when I feel like it, so every 3 or so days

Not everyone has a problem with the same things. An alcoholic can’t have a single drink whilst a normal dude can have one once in a while or more. I have a problem with porn and masturbation. The guy that fucked all these girls in high school most certainly didn’t

I don't have an issue with wanking, probably do it once every 1-3 days when I feel like it, never been a multiple times a day coomer. I recently did nearly 2 months no fap and nothing changed. There will be no super powers, no female attraction, etc. I felt more aggressive and had more energy, but nothing else changed at all. I hate to say it but If you can't get pussy like me then you are probably just a genetic dead end. Focus on other things apart from women and your life will get better.

For most people it's a symptom of having too much free time and being lonely.

If you have a job, wife, kids, friends and hobbies, how hard do you think it's going to be to stop jerking it? You probably won't even think about it let alone obsess about whether it's causing depressions or whatever retarded shit this board thinks. That's been the case for me, since i have been WFH I've been fapping more and it doesn't change anything.

Concentrate on filling your days and nights good activities, not staying on Any Forums all day 1 click away from tranny porn trying to resist the temptation.

>Is porn/masturbation really that bad for you?
For coomers like myself who masturbate often to gross fetishes for long periods of time and have developed erectile dysfunction and a severe lack of motivation? Yes.
For normal people like this guy , no.

It's not that bad, just choose not to think about it. If you constantly ruminate and toy with the idea of doing it in your mind you're going to suffer.

Nofap is a massive cope for being a khv. It also shrinks your dick due to inactivity.

Same boat as you. I went five weeks before relapsing Sunday. This time I’ll make it. I can feel it. It isn’t worth it. They want your soul, user. Porn is an evil disgusting thing and will ruin your mind, body and soul.

Masturbation is fine but porn kills your dopamine receptors.

I cum maybe 3-4 times a week and that's including sex. I don't even think about it a lot of the time.

Masturbation probably not, but porn is bad for you, for everyone involved in the making of it and society.

Yeah, it's hard for most people to quit watching porn for even a week if they've been using porn for several years. I'd say it's pretty bad and addicting.

ask yourself the following questions:
>how do I feel after I coom?
>the porn I watch has become more degenerate over time?
>usually am I horny or just bored?
you will probably find out that porn/cooming gets you in a bad mood, causes brain rot and is something you do when you're bored
get an hobby outside of your house


You got the urge?
Just don't fuckin' do it!
It's actually that easy.
I'm kinda horny right now, bu I ain't fuckin gonna do it, cause I know how much I'll regret it afterwards.
>Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
1 Cointhians 6:18

>For normal people like this guy
That guy has low testosterone.
Masturbation frequency isnt biologically the same across the board, as personal hormone cycle and libido will differ between individuals.
Not to mention the amount of semen produced and released correlative to diet, sleep, and activity level.

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On 5 weeks of unintended NOFAP (surgery that has thigh/groin incisions) had dream last night of my Dad taking me to o a tattoo parlour & paying for me to getting a lip piercing. Then same dream my Mum pours hot liquid on my shins and uses a scraper to take off the skin up to my knees
>what does that his mean