*mogs all other sips in your path*

*mogs all other sips in your path*

Attached: 91SXyKdWRzL._SL1500_[1].jpg (1500x1000, 316.27K)

*drops herbs in the thread*

Reign is so much better than monster it's not even funny

Melonated hands typed this

*passin herbs in the thread*

Attached: eli passin da boof.jpg (978x945, 335.48K)

You're not White if you consume artificial sweeteners.

This one was great for like three weeks then suddenly mediocre, I wonder if they changed the recipe

What's your bmi?

Seriously, bang/reign/whatever they fucking call it are so excessively artificially sugary flavoured that you have to consume 1kg of normal sweets a day to be able to drink one and not gag to death

Even some monster zero flavours are bad, especially the fucking watermelon one.
White, orange, black, gold, and pink are fine

>drinking acid
enjoy destroying your teeth, or even getting an ulcer

the only sugar i consume is from fruit and sweet potatoes, the rest is artificial

I agree. The problem is coffee destroys your teeth too. What's the solution?

Crack cocaine



Ulcers are caused by bacterial infection.

Lul cry more bitch nigger fuck

Also monster will always be the drink of ball licking eunuchs. Have sex incel and die

Dont even bother with that guy, he probably takes horse meds instead of one little shot

Obvious troll is obvious


Watermelon is by far the best Monster flavor. Reign's orange Dreamsicle and XYience grape are GOAT energy drinks