I hurt my rotator cuff please help I don't want to be a cripple

I hurt my rotator cuff please help I don't want to be a cripple

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is there pain?
why not go to a doctor

Someone hasn't been doing their face pulls. You get what you fucking deserve.

If you hurt it then it's already over. You will never have normal range of motion again. You will never be able to lift properly again.
Every lift you attempt will painfully snap, crackle and pop your shoulders and you'll wake up with severe inflammation the next day.

Please say sike

Dude you'll be fine. Ice it, take a week off, and do some rotator cuff strengthening when you get back to it. Rotator cuff is one of the most common RSI locations.

You will be OK user, ignore faggot blackpills.
Ive been lifting for 18 years, and I've been injured many times, here's some key advice:

Ice and rest, but only for a few days. Counter-intuitively, you need to work the area but with resistance bands and light weights. Don't do any lifts that are extremely painful and you'll probably have to skip ohp for awhile. Use dumbells instead of barbells. Look up some physical therapy on YouTube about exercises to strengthen rotator cuff. Stretch and stay active. Do cardio and legs and stay as active as possible.

All of this will keep you from descending into the gain goblin of depressed self pity AND will halve your recovery time. I hurt my back doing diddlies about a week ago and I'm already 95% recovered because I stayed active. Watch this video, it's about back injury but the concept is the same.


You WILL recover user. Best of luck, God bless.

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hgh 2iu a day for two months
lots of red meat, eggs, milk, water, sleep

I have shoulder/scapula cracking whenever I lift my arms at an angle. This is after I hurt myself doing dips too low in April. I've tried doing some physical therapy exercises I found, but it's only gotten marginally better and I definitely can't lift in the foreseeable future. How fucked am I? Could a real physical therapist fix it?

>Shoulder owie, better take more drugs!
Do roidtards really?

Yes, go see a PT and get an assessment done. We can't help with skeletal issues.

Do you know if Athletico is any good? I've just been burned by many doctors in my life who blow me off, so do you have any advice for how to tell if the guy knows what he's doing?

Ignore this idiot OP. The rc joint is complex and consists of numerous muscles. Identify which position and movements are bad for you, then find out specifically which muscle (infraspinatus, subscalpularis, teres minor etc) of the rc joint you have injured. Then do rehab for that muscle, and for overall joint health too. I dislocated my shoulder, my bench is terminally affected, but all other movements are fine.

Here. Top right and mid left helped me entirely within a week or two of 1 set a day. A month later and I was only doing these exercises when some discomfort in my shoulder would appear which was once or twice a month. Obviously rest your shoulders for now.

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Hgh is legit for these kind of injuries. It is literally the reason as to why young people recover better than older people: they produce more HGH.

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Yeah and testosterone signals the body to produce muscle tissue, that doesn't mean you should inject it yourself. Taking HGH for a minor shoulder injury is a significant overintervention when all he needs is rest and some strengthening exercises.

Ok man listen up. I tore my rotator cuff carrying a 4x8" sheet of thick-ass plywood one summer on a job and I am happy to say that it is back to 100%... and I lift at very high intensity and don't have any off-limits (for my shoulder) exercises. I'm back to doing deep-ass dips with added weight, and OHPing with no issue. I never had any surgery due to covid shutting down these kinds of procedures in the hospitals, but I put a lot of work in. First, give it a little time to recover, take vitamin C to help the healing and DO NOT smoke or vape... nicotine weakens connective tissue and is terrible for recovery of this kind of injury, ie healing tendons/ligaments. Get into mobility and stretching, which is crucial for getting these things to heal right, but be careful and move slowly. This injury wants to heal tight and you have to stretch it and move it to make sure you don't lose range of motion, but don't do anything that hurts. You should include these kinds of stretches at the beginnings of all your workouts and they take all of 5 minutes
>chest stretches
>scapular pullups and scapular pushups
>rotator cuff stretches--- both internal AND external rotational stretches. You will find plenty on the internet but my favorites use a long dowel or resistance bands, keep an eye out for those
>use resistance band held in each hand to fully rotate shoulders through all ranges of motion and stretch out chest

Secondly, learn and master scapular retraction and use it every time you do any pressing work (which you should be doing anyway), and privilege back workouts over chest/pressing stuff. Strengthening your back and learning how to stretch out/open up your chest is key to preventing shoulder injury and having it be pain-free. Your shoulders should ALWAYS be back and down (scapular depression) when you do ANY pressing work, and that kind of scapular motion is key to doing back exercises correctly.

This is completely wrong, I am back to perfect ROM

Depends on his age. If he is 30+ and a gym rat then HGH could be worth it for a neglible risk. The cost is the real concern.

I should follow up by saying def go see a doctor / shoulder specialist if you can and have it imaged. If the injury is bad enough, obviously surgery is ideal. But even if you get surgery, the things I'm mentioning are crucial to healing correctly with full strength and ROM, and for preventing future reinjury

u wot

Serious reply. May be a bone spur either on your shoulder or clavicle. I thought I tore my rotator cuff slightly, (not all are big tears that require surgery) got a xray and have a bone spur at the end of my clavicle that sometimes irritates 1 of the rotator cuff muscles. Only acts up with heavy OHP, my shoulders lack a little bit nowbbut I've had 5-6 days excruciating pain because of it. Go to a doctor instead of /fit