If I give myself heart palpitations from anxiety attacks, is that an effective form of cardio?

If I give myself heart palpitations from anxiety attacks, is that an effective form of cardio?

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Enough cardio to last you the rest of your life maybe

Depends. Are those minor palpitations or is you're hearted literally jumping through you're shirt?

I can feel it bulging through a gap in my rips, and I can feel my heartbeat in my stomach

Yeah it’ll definitely burn some calories and remove your appetite for a while. Too bad the stress is extremely damaging to your recovery and sanity.

You're ngmi sorry. Go for runs and workout to keep the beast at bay.

Plus when I'm trying to fall asleep the sound of my own heart is loud, and when I'm about to fall asleep I freak the fuck out and think my heart has stopped. This usually happens like 3-4 times before I can actually fall asleep.

Btw I'm 19 and not fat. Is it over?

Yeah used to happen to me every night. What drugs are you on?

There are no nerves in the heart. You can't actually feel your heart.

CBD, melatonin, and occasionally kratom. Plus I haven't jerked off in 5 days

Melatonin gave me some crazy palpitations sometimes. You are on caffeine? caffeine did it to me almost every single time.

Yeah caffeine too. I guess I should take a break. I've been on hundreds of MGs a day for probably months. How long does it take for the headaches to go away if I stop?

One day for me

I'll start tomorrow, I've already had a shit load today.

No because you're also triggering a cortisol spike.
What you need is to trigger an adrenaline response, so inducing in risk-taking behaviors...But usually socially anxious people are more so cortisol junkies and have little adrenaline response to risk.

You can feel your heart beating. When someone says they are getting stabbed in the heart is when you should question them because the heart doesn’t have pain receptors.

How can I decrease cortisol? I already lift, but by the time I go to sleep the pump is gone

Jerk off

Gwt meds dude

He’s taking all sorts of stimulants. He needs to get completely clean.
Cbd (without thc wink)