How to increase bench numbers?

>See chad at gym
>chad repping 225 like its nothing
>chad has all the female attention
>feel like shit

how to get big bench numbers bros? currently I can probably do 2 reps of 135 (for reference, I am 6'' 2' and have an armspan of 6'' 5' or so)

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Bench a lot, do accessory work like tricep push downs and incline dumbell press, be patient and watch the numbers go up. Also don't be a pussy and actually push yourself hard

Just be consistent and try to hit chest atleast twice per week. Also dumbbell presses instead if you are not progressing at the bench. Lastly stop comparing yourself to others.

Push harder

U can fuck around until 2 plates. Also ur probably like 150.

thank u fren

how hard do I push tho?

The "just add five bro" meme is not a meme. It's real

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Push until you feel like you're about to drop the weight on your chest, and the rep before that stop

do not do bench accessories unless you are retarded and have a super bad imbalance (strong chest, nonexistent tris etc.)
just make sure to eat a lot, drink a lot, and sleep a lot. tend to do more of these things than less if you are unsure and make sure not to bench on an empty stomach for max volume and intensity output. good luck user!

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>big bench number

pick one. every single zoomer can do 225 these days.

>Dumbbell presses instead
Shit advice if you want to get better at barbell bench do barbell bench. You can do DB as an accessory but you could also do bench variations like tempo work, Larsen presses, etc. No reason to stop benching because you're stalling

sidenote about this program:
you can even drop the shoulder work on push days if all you literally care about is bench, I just put them in there for myself to maintain strength.
this is correct you need to keep training the movement and perfect your form, do not burnout the prime movers for bench press doing chest or tricep isolations so you can get the max bench volume per week (see program)

Eat more Mr. Skeleton

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Don't fall for the meme OP. This retarded combo gives you a dumptruck ass, acne, and sadness

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>every bench session im pumped
>do 1 pl8 as a warmup
>expect it to feel more manageable than previous session
>it never does. It always feels like Im at my limit/past my limit
>pushed past it by doing more than 5 reps, though havent hit my max of 10 reps in like a month
>overall better than last session

I guess its getting better even if it has felt slow and plateaud. I do incline dumbbell as well as cable flys when possible but todays been the first time that it's felt like things are moving forward. Just wanted to share

Be yourself and want it more.

I bench 225 lb for 20 reps and I am 29 and never even kissed a girl

I do 225 for 12 reps, But still cant do a rep on 3pl8s argghhh

>2pl8 bench
I'm dyel as fuck and bench 2.25pl8

and a 2pl8 bench for fahve.