Hasan Piker

Let's be honest, none of you would stand a chance against him.

Attached: Hasan Piker.webm (640x640, 1.29M)

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Why would he post this?

I weigh 50 pounds less than him and could STILL hurt his pretty boy face..
How is this vidya agian libshit?

What the fuck why does he fight like that he can afford his own personal boxing coach.

speed it up 300% and talk shit then you right wing cuck

sam is gonna have a field day with this fucking male twink sex robot

Oh wait I'm in Any Forums... lol

He just looks exhausted like the end of a hard training session. Still not sure why he would post this and not some bag work when he was fresh.

He just looks really stiff. His footwork especially needs work but he could also open up his hips a bit more. Especially on those more powerful punches he could get his whole body into it a bit more. Idk tho I've never boxed I'm a karatetard

least weak online socialist

A lot of chuds coping in this thread. Whilst all of you would cower in fear upon being face to face with his monster frame. Promptly, being pounded into a hummus like substance.

Attached: df36de6c351ca96057876135648ea2c3.jpg (640x640, 103.1K)

This guy is so fucking lame

He's holding back. His full punches would be too powerful for that bag.

Disgusting turkroach

If you were to give one solid hit anywhere on his face he would be cowering for mercy but I still like him more than you guys.

Terrible form and effort. Guy has no heart and Sam would easily beat his ass

i would knock him out faster than tyson knocked out marvis frazier

I don't know, I'd have to see him spar, but that combo is like the very first one they teach you in boxing class (jab, jab, uppercut to the side).

Lol did he do this as a joke? No one is this bad. If this is real Sam is going to hurt him bad.

I know absolutely fuckall about boxing, but surely throwing a punch is more than just extending your arm? This is embarrassing.

OP is correct and Hasan would obliterate most people on Any Forums, but only because Hasan is in fairly good shape and at least 80% of this board are dyel skelly 13 year olds. He'd probably kick my ass too because I'm a manlet and I'm pretty sure he's like 6'2" or some shit.

Attached: this is who you're talking to.jpg (1789x5504, 1.08M)

I thought Turks were masculine and dangerous.
Lmao no wonder they got BTFOd by Russians on every occasion.

>head too low
>arms to heigh
>arms never extended to max 90%
>tense all the time
>barely uses his hips to throw
>leg work literally makes no sense

You can take a week of classes and outperform him in a fair 1v1 boxing fight

Have to assume he’s gassed in this, but still, those hooks to the body are egregious, mechanically fucked, the hips and arms aren’t on the same page at all, the motion is too long, he dips his head. He also needs to move on these punches. When you’re tired you should slow down, sacrifice speed for good form. No comment on footwork, it’s fine really, the stomping is good practice. Not fluid though

He's a Stacy in a man's body, with the intellect of one as well, he never did anything manly like fighting.

Never gonna happen. Sam is too much of a schizo, is "non brand friendly" to Twitch faggotry, would destroy lefty politics forever, would nearly kill Hasan, and is all around a nobody in current year to everyone except Chuds on Any Forums. The idubbz thing could have been his second chance if he actually went into it without the schizo mindset of idubbz trying to punk him. Instead, as per usual, he completely fucked himself.

>A lot of chuds coping in this thread. Whilst all of you would cower in fear upon being face to face with his monster frame
He dresses like a middle schooler so no I would never walk up to him, I would call a police some pedo wants to blend in with the kids though.

the candy man is gonna leave him unrecognizable youtube.com/shorts/9IrUo_o4Hao

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Did you know he was Cenk Uygur's nephew? Kek

And the actual strength of his punch.

I thought the idubbz thing was the first funny thing he has done in a coon's age tbqh

Based Sam Hyde watcher

Punch women in the forehead

You're not wrong. But rather than capitalize on it wisely, he, once again, squandered a great opportunity.