/FAG/ - Fit Autism General

Post stories, memes, or found footage of fit retards’ brains not working

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A classic

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>Any Forums

I would argue but trips have spoken

How do I beat autism? Literally every time I force myself to interact with new people I do fine at first, but then either I'm so bland and boring noone will talk to me or the mask falls off and I sperg out and ruin my reputation with said people, and by extension people they know.
>Just keep the mask on all the time
Shits exhausting

Read this and apply the lessons, user

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But thats not autism. That's Diogenes level basedness.

>be me
>have crush on hot redhead in gym
>don't want to approach, as fucking up would make every jim visit awkward
>see her bench is uneven today
>walk up to her
>"your bench is uneven and you're gonna fuck up your shoulders"
>steal the bar to show proper grip
>"oh ok"

Just bee yourself bro!!!

You've got an in now bro, next time you see her tell her you need help straightening something out and show her your (preferably bent) penis.

lol, is this actually how normies behave irl?
I'll never fit in with them. And a part of me is glad.

>channel name: sidemen
literally asking to be emasculated subservient sois

>Doing OHP
>looking straight ahead of me when I notice some faggot is staring at me
>I finish my set and say "You want something?" at him
>just stares at me like I'm a retard
>After 30 seconds of this stare off I figure out its a mirror sitting at a weird angle
>everyone in my immediate area saw this happen
>realize I look like a schizophrenic
>start posing into the mirror and get Idea to make this less cringe
>have hoodie on and pretend I'm listing to music and start half singing
>"yeah you got a problem retard, want something little nigga? uh yeah retard nigga, yous a retard nigga"
>realize I made it way worse, grab my gym stuff and leave as that was the last set of the day.

Reading it right now broski.
At the age where I can put off diminishing the effects of my autism no longer.
Going to read this, Think and Grow Rich, and then Outwitting the Devil.
I accumulated a very long reading list during my time here. I think it will last me some time, especially when I'm actually studying the books.
For HTWFAIP I've been reading one chapter forward every other day, reviewing the previous two chapters every time I push forward.

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Holy shit... how do you ever recover from this psychologically? Like, every interaction you could possibly have irl could turn into a disaster like this. every moment not spent in total isolation is like walking a tightrope above an abyss only you can see

Start columbo maxxing.
You can't be caught bumbling if you're always bumbling 24/7.

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>be me
>at house party
>see cat go into room so I follow it to give some ear scratches and head rubs
>friend's sister follows me in and closes door behind her
>awkwardly make small talk with her as I'm giving the cat some love
>finish with cat
>open door and leave

columbo seems like he fucks
does he fuck?

You did the right thing. Don't fuck your friend's sister.

are you serious?
why didn't you fuck the cat?

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