How do you remain hopeful that you will one day find your girl?

How do you remain hopeful that you will one day find your girl?

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Boy. But yeah. One of these days

Kys for watching tranime

I took matters into my own hands and became the girl

I lift for anime waifus


>How do you remain hopeful that you will one day find your girl?

Weeb & Goy.

At 32 it’s a fucking wasteland. I’ve gone on so many dates with seemingly “normal” girls it’s ridiculous. I like to think I do a pretty good job of prescreening them. Still, some turn out to be whores, others still act like they’re 16, others are obsessed with their careers or travel too much or make TikTok dance videos at the age of 28. Ahhhhh it’s driving me fucking crazy

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I don't. Life is better after I gave up on the idea.

I don't. I live my life, get Any Forums af, earn money, make myself happy and perhaps one day I'll meet my man. Otherwise I'll become a Any Forums catlady. End of story.


I abandoned the idea years ago. Still fantasize about it because it's fun and I can't help it.

I have a girl I see myself proposing to in the future

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I am not. My standards are too high because I’m a super high value man. idgaf. If I die alone at least I would know that I am so interesting and fun I can spend a shitload of time on my own without being bored

Where did you meet her?

OP stop remaking this thread.

Also nice trips and I had sex with your mom last night

The amount of coincidences were staggering, it was from a friend, who had a coworker who lived in their neighborhood who knew her. Got setup on a blind date with them and been dating and going great since.

submitting to delusional madness and obsession mostly.

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I already found her, too bad we live in different countries

I know if it comes down to it rape is always an option

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>girl (boy)