I'm unironically addicted to cocaine and it is completely sabotaging my gains...

I'm unironically addicted to cocaine and it is completely sabotaging my gains. Any anons have some tips on how to beat this demon? One is to not drink alcohol, as that triggers my desire to buy blow, but I'd love to be able to have a drink and not immediately call a dealer.

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Do you have tattoos?

One, why?

The 12 steps have been proven to work time and time again user. Research them and maybe join a group. It is much harder trying to kick an addiction alone.

Sounds awesome user, I think you should keep it going

Cover your drug addiction with what again?

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Went to an AA meeting once and it felt to cultish, think i mainly need to avoid drinking for the next 3 months to give my brain ample time to reset, seeing as how I only buy blow when I drink.

I was addicted to cocaine when I was younger. You have to get away from the people places and things that you associate cocaine with. Change your phone number, don't hang out in the same spots with the same people, delete and cut off contact with your connections and others that use. If you don't do this you'll never quit unless you get arrested or die.

Just stop, just say no.

are you the DARE dog? dare me to get some pussy lol


People are weak with no discipline, druggies especially.

NGMI in any sense.

Look into Allen Carr’a methods for quitting smoking, then just apply it to coke.

Delete the numbers of your dealers so you can’t call them

Drugs, much like calories, cannot enter your body without your consent.

I was in the same shoes my man, in fact when I'm drunk I still get overwhelming urges and at this point in my life coke is like smoking (which I also quit), it's just a random craving I get like a candy bar or something.

The thing that got me to stop using consistently was the way I framed it in my mind, I treat it like a cigar where I can plow through some lines a couple times a year during a good party but constant use just makes it more dull, like a compulsion that sucks out all the fun and turns you from fun 80's guy to skinny twink loser. We're grown men, we deserve to have a good time on our terms but becoming a weak slave to this shit is fucking sad. Just pound through a pot or 2 of coffee everyday like I do to satisfy the NEED for SPEED.

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I fucked around with it a bit in my 20s but then did so much one night I had paranoid delusions, thinking I accidentally gave my friends cat coke and that it was seizing and dying meanwhile it was literally taking a cat nap

Fucking A man, made a promie to my best friend that we keep coke use to a once a month thing att most, but I've really fallen of the deep end. At this point I don't even gain that much pleasure from it, it's like you said a craving, in the same light as nicotine.

just stop using coke dude
