Pre workout makes my skin tingle

>pre workout makes my skin tingle
This is normal, right?

Attached: uhm.jpg (200x198, 6.18K)

Yeah. There was a woman at my gym just now working out in a long shirt past her knees and only black laced panties. Is this normal?

No OP, sounds like a heart attack

user, you’re not at the gym, get out now! user!? user!? ANOOOOOOOONNN

Yes, it's the beta alanine.

Lol I’m alpha as fuck I wouldn’t dare put anything beta in my body

A true alpha would post his cock and put us betas in our place I think

Kek, time to get some alpha alanine then, user

A genuine answer, thanks user


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Lmao, this guy wants OP to OD on PWO.


It's just the pre-workout spiders getting in to your muscles before you get going.
Don't scratch yourself because this can hurt them.

makes sense

This is a trend along zoomer girls
Big t-shirt + thong underneath

Nothing else just going out in public with a big t shirt and thong

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I can confirm that at least 70% of all girls in college showed up to class dressed like that

Thats extremely hot and I hope this trend continues to men.

not very efficient to workout in though

might be the incoming hair loss

You have aids.

fr fr I was mixing up some pre workout and my homie suggested I add some beta alanine for the tingles and I said naw man that ain't bussin I'm an alpha I don't do beta shit no cap