Is it based or cringe to approach girls at the gym?

Is it based or cringe to approach girls at the gym?

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Based when I do it
Cringe when you do it

But no seriously just talk to them like you would any other person in the gym
>inb4 reeeeeeee I'm there to work out stop talking to me
Home gyms exist for a reason

Cringe. Women aren't worth talking to.

I only go to gyms to approach hot women and ask them out I don’t even exercise of lift weights

based if you make them feel uncomfortable. cringe if you're trying to make them feel good.

some girl tried to approach me once. Too bad I have 'tism.


love the optimism

I personally don't do it as I don't want to inconvenience someone and instead focus on completing my workout efficiently.
But if you want to shoot your shot then go for it. Dont make her take off headphones and dont interrupt her workout

Based to approach
Cringe to get rejected

Women don't go to the gym to be hit on

Approach on the way out if you happen to be leaving at the same time.
Don't make someone uncomfortable in the middle of their workout and don't follow them to the door.

I talk to jailbait at the gym because they spill their spaghetti and it’s cute. They approach me now when they need help and one gives me protein bars sometimes lol

It’s based if you’re socially comfortable. Even if you’re a little nervous it’s fine. Most people in the gym are quite friendly. I’ve gotten some numbers doing it.

The problem with gym chicks though is they have a million options. So unless you’re literally the hottest dude in the gym you will probably just get ghosted. I’ve gotten a handful of numbers from the gym, only one of them went out with me, the rest just liked the attention and strung me along.

what’s with the warped idea that women have millions of options and men pursuing them lol

there's no right or wrong time to approach a woman unless she's pushing a stroller with a goblin in it. If you ever wait for approval of a group to do something it'll never get done because the rules people set for themselves and other are always different. Like if asked me if it was okay to approach women in library and I was sober I would say "no" and try to shame you for bringing it up because it's my hunting ground for asian pussy.

because they do


ever heard of tinder experiment? hairy 400lb amputee women get more matches than the average guy

You have a better chance of attraction if they are uncomfortable anyways.

The good kind of uncomfortable. Intimidated but curious. Not the bad kind of uncomfortable - wanting to leave immidiately. Betas will never understand that women do not want comfort or stability until they are older

my bad I'm used to being attractive and jumping to the front of the line as one of their best options

I will be cold in the ground before I give a single mother anything besides one time sex for my immediate pleasure

Coercion by intimidation. I like the sound of that

Yeah, by guys who will sleep with you then ghost

