*fixes your life*

*fixes your life*

Attached: lexapro_custom-03f004b57b33895142045715bc62ec7c1cbf189e-s1400.jpg (1000x1333, 204.63K)

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but it's not coffee

*Masks your symptoms so you never fix your life*

goodbye erections and ever being able to coom. hello brain zaps and years of withdrawal symptoms if you ever decide to get off meds

It just was proven that serotonin has zero connection to depression.
You got pharma jew'd.

Any chemical that ends in -pram is shady business.

*kills your libido*

Brain zaps?

I'd probably be fucking dead if not for the meds so there's that.

I'm also pretty sure them and alcohol are what contributed to my personality change over time.

I'd rather try Adderall. Gonna try to get a prescription once my health insurance activates.

Try Ritalin first, great stuff

citalopram didnt do anything for me

But what it DID do was make me fucking crazy for like 2 weeks. it made me go hypomanic when coming on and off the drugs but once my body acclimatised to them they fucking didnt do anything

also the side effects were insane coming off the drugs I felt like I was constantly falling when sat down it gave me horrible imbalance.

Btw youre not supposed to take SSRI's for longer than 2 years. it can fuck up your health

>literally speed
No, just no

Attached: 1653853349109.jpg (582x527, 28.85K)

what's wrong with a little meth first thing in the morning?

good goy, make sure you buy a firearm next

Literally three days ago a huge article came out showing that serotonin has nothing to do with depression.

What I find even more interesting about SSRIs is that they increase significantly your odds of committing suicide.

Lmao idk why tf I took this garbage for so long.

so instead of making you happy you just lose all emotions including sadness?

>meta analysis
>the author clearly has an axe to grind

yes, it's pretty scary
you get a lot done but turn into a stepford wife

In my case I lost all feelings in my dick. It became numb as a thumb.

glow harder nigger

what the hell is up with you zoomers and anti depressants, is trying to figure out your genders really causing you guys that much stress

That meme is funny because it describes the feeling pretty well. I started lurking Any Forums a few months before I started taking prozac in 2011 and I remember losing all sensitivity to gore and liveleak threads as well as other shit you shouldn’t be desensitized to. I had almost no empathy and I never wanted to fuck my gf.

Thank you Dr. Goldbergsteinitz… I will go back to my LDL-decreasing seed oils as all humans should :^)

Don't worry, if you ever get off the meds you'll get to learn what they are. It's a kind of painful feeling where you feel that your brain is turned off and turned back on again accompanied by what feels like electricity going through your brain.

If anyone here is thinking about getting psyche meds is reading this, make sure you try everything else that's humanly possible to help yourself before getting on the medication. Oftentimes the medications will cause as many problems as they solve. Mental health still is very much a developing field. Not only do they not fully understand how certain mental conditions come about, they also don't understand fully why or how medications treat disorders.

Unless your depression is so bad that you're getting constant panic attacks with nausea while vomiting and you're thinking of killing yourself to stop the pain, it's probably not bad enough that you need medication.

Yes. Notice how they're not called Happy Pills, but are called anti-depressants.

actually lexapro has been shown to cause a wide array of hormonal issues and long term improvement of the persons life rarely is shown.
There is a reason they use the 1/3rd system newfag.
They are never wrong if they use it.

Dr.user here
Retards who say anti depressants make them numb, don’t need antidepressants or are prescribed them at a too high of a dose. Antidepressants affect the brain so they will make the symptoms of depression more manageable. If they make you numb you are stupid and not really depressed. Jk it could be the difference in weather you need an SSRI SNRI or NDRI. Talk to your doctors and stop being stupid