Here's how why solve trannies in sports dilemma

We have FtM and MtF compete against each other instead. Boom, easy.

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There is no dilemma. You can't change your gender. Trannyism is a fad and a farce and no accommodation of it is necessary.

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The "dilemma" is that sports committees are going to bend the knee to them in someway anyway.
Which is when I came up with this compromise.
>MtF trannies want to compete against women
FtM are women
>FtM trannies want to compete against men
MtF are men.
It's a win win

I wonder which is superior, born males full of estrogen or born females pumped with test. It would be interesting to watch

Have sex


If sports orgs were smart, they'd just make a separate trans category. There's just too much potential issue with the mixing of FtMs and MtFs and MtFtMs and FtMtFs.

this is retarded, it's not even close

You compromise will be instantly labelled transphobic.

Yeah, you just cut off your dick
And you dont think that your mentally sick, yeah
Just because you wear a dress
Doesn’t mean people want that horribly botched mess
Wear some makeup on your face
Both of your parents think your a disgrace yeah
Dialating every day
Wouldn’t be easier if you were just gay? yeah

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man

Yeah, you may wear thigh high socks
But that’s not a real vagina and you chopped off your cock, yeah
Carry around an ugly purse
It won’t save you from an early ride in a hearse, yeah
Now you may pee sitting down,
But lipstick on you reminds me of a clown, yeah
In public, children stare
It’s the 5 o'clock shadow and your obvious arm hair

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man

You live with an open wound
You parents will use your birth name when they bury you, yeah
More likely to kill yourself
Than be called a woman by anyone else, yeah

You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man
You’re not a real wo-man, You’re not a real wo-man

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Unless I'm mistaken based FINA has recently said no to MtF swimmers, they're getting away from this meaningless "muh testosterone level is below X" and acknowledging the unfair advantage is about a lot more than that. So there may be hope yet

Trannies in sports is about steroids use in sports. Barry Bonds broke records using steriods. Lance Armstrong broke records using steriods. The Chinese juice-up their retards for the Olympics.

Trannies need 'roids to stay tranny. Athletic committees get paid by government to give trannies the same substance they ban male sports. Sport Franchises are allowed more deals with pharmaceutical companies.

Figure out how virtue signaling can pay and you understand why they are committed to something that disgust most fans.

The solution is to just let them compete however they want and allow the world to accept that women are physically inferior.

>thinks its just the bugs giving their oly athletes juice

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desu if you allow your daughters to play contact sports you deserve to see them get brutalized by mentally-ill men in dresses

That abomination needs to be put down

yeah i believe so

Girl on the right is shit at dabbing

i don't see the issue, let the trannies play with the girls teams. it's absolutely hilarious seeing normie women get face fucked at a public event and no one saying anything.

it's like drop kicking a baby.

>it's like drop kicking a baby.
it's actually worse, it's like drop-kicking a baby and half the people are looking away while the other half are laughing nervously and saying shit like "haha look at the tight spiral on that baby"

>whoa did you see Stephanie tackle Sarah at the football game?
>Yeah brutal tackle, shame about Sarah. She is permanently disabled now.

I think this is the funniest thing and i promote trannies for one reason and one reason alone. The stupid shit that gets brought up because of them thinking they are the other gender is the funniest fucking shit in the world.