Would lifting have saved him?

Would lifting have saved him?

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No, but not relaxing might have.

no but a gun would have

i hope the jews that wrote this article die in the mose humiliating way imaginable and beyond

Why are white men so weak these days? This is the reason so many of their women go for blacks instead. They still have Masculinity that no longer exists in whites.

found the dickless tranny, shalom! how are you mr changstein-brown

it was 3 vs 1 you fucking retard

He's not wrong though. That post was more of a wakeup call than anything

>getting mad at obvious bait

Just saying the truth

Not falling for the Jewish brainwashing that niggers are human would have saved him

Why niggers can't 1v1

...built for BBC............................

>beating somebody to death in a 3v1 fight is masculine
>acting like animals is attractive


pocket knife

Blame the African slave sellers who sold them to the white man

Women love violent men, they get off to this shit.

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What do you mean by "not relax"? You think he was gonna fend off 3 men, he needed to run as soon as they even spoke to him, which he wouldn't have done cos it'd have made him look like a scred pussy, or they blocked him from running?


I’m sorry that this pure white man had to die but thank god those niggers will never see freedom again.

lmao are all "chads" weaklings? reminds me of that guy who was showing how facially pretty men are more likely to be homosexual

Doesn’t check out.

>>acting like animals is attractive
yes women genuinely find agresssive ape like men hot, dont ask me why

Based. Perfectly crafted bait the Any Forumscels can't resist

cos we are, and we are gonna die out so fuck it.

Hang niggers

seethe bitchboy go do your nails

Why did they think importing millions, a sizable population, was a good idea? There is as many blacks in USA as there are Spanish in Spain.

It's true though

Because they were considered property at that time. Exotic property.

Every time a nguber approaches me he's as tall as the grass and as gentle as Marry Poppins

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the violent niggers don't benefit from it when they spend the rest of their lives in prison. jastermaxxers like you need to be lynched publicly

Don't die out. If whites die out then humanity will die out.
Whites built 90% of the modern world
Whites are the most altruistic race ever. Not many other races have built a whole system where other races can make a living complain about how oppressed they are
t. Mulatto user

This just made the news because it's a white kid. Niggers do this to each other every single day.

>Whites are the most altruistic race ever
are slavs not white? putin has said if there's no place for russia then he'd nuke the whole world

What fucking retards honestly. People have no foresight.

They are Asian.

Putin also doesn't recognise race and constantly pushes globohomo shit and has imprisoned several white-nationalists in Russia.

They're Eurasian and Stalin killed all the smart ones.

niggers don't spend time in prison, charges are dropped, they are released within months, and get on to fuck groupies who saw them on the news

>Moments later, as the duo returned to their vehicle, the basketball players ran in the direction of the car, Mylett said.

>“A confrontation occurs. Ethan Liming is assaulted and a fight ensues,” Mylett said. “At the conclusion of it, Ethan Liming is dead.”

>Three of the four occupants of Liming’s vehicle were assaulted in the confrontation, he added.

It was a 4v3 fight with the number advantage on the whites

>Whites are the most altruistic race ever
which is why they die out

lmao at your coombrain conclusion. porn has completely rotted your brain. these thugs are not getting out of prison any time soon

post body

Once in prison they always go back within days though because that’s the life they are born to live and know it internally.