If you’re okay with kids permanently altering their bodies through sports...

If you’re okay with kids permanently altering their bodies through sports, why aren’t you okay with them altering their bodies with hormone replacement therapy?

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Yes. Now fuck off tranny faggot go seek validation elsewhere

Didn't read, don't care. Dilate. You'll never be a woman.

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>and unlike young trans kids, these changes were not reversible
This is false, giving young kids any kind of hormones is a permanent change
I don't know anything about ballet but I wish death to anyone who wants to give kids hormones
Kill yourself tranny

>their muscles are trained to look like that for flexibility, they don't bulk up
I mean
Nigga you're not fucking OHPing another person in ballet, you're doing like a double cheat pushpress of a woman who probably weighs under 110lbs. Is there any fucking evidence that it changes your physiological structure of your muscles to such an extent that you're apparently strong despite being thing according to some tranny faggot? Every sport changes your body, being a sedentary log as a child changes the way your body will develop

Exactly, so the muh permanent change argument against trans folx doesn’t make sense. By that logic we should ban giving milk to kids too, since it changes their hormones too
Dumb chuds

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>This shit permanently fucked me up
>Therefore there's no harm in giving kids hormone treatments

none of this picture makes sense

Woah he’s literally me! Epic win, OP.

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Stay away from other people's kids. That is all faggot

We're not talking about physical changes as a result of physical activity, we're talking about external hormonal intervention based on at most 10 years of data. Irreversible delay in brain development, bone density, social development all at an increased risk of suicide, sexual exploitation, drug use and dropping out of school. For what? So some kid who grew up idolizing his sisters can "have time" to see if he's a tranny? Most suicides related to steroids come from post-cycle where the person feels so distraught due to a lack of hormones. Can we bring the castrati back? Would that be okay? If apparently anything is permissible as every single external factor has influence on a child

I don’t think I could ever believe a kid with a undeveloped sexuality could decide they’re the “wrong” one entirely on their own
Sort of like those videos of mothers talking about how their baby is gay

ballet is good
being a tranny is bad

being healthy = good
chopping off penis and stunting growth = bad

>So some kid who grew up idolizing his sisters
Brilliant point. Never even thought of that.
All the more reason why we need society and simps to stop putting women on pedestals.

Didnt read
You will never convice me to join your dicksucking cult roidtranny

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Cope, you read all of it

>why aren’t you okay with them altering their bodies with hormone replacement therapy?
I am ok with that, idgaf what the stupid fucks do to themselves.

You know what? This arugment actually won me over.

Let's ban ballet, too.