Standing Ab Wheel

ITT post lifts that are literally fucking impossible

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>he can't do it

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Lifting your mom.

Well yeah of course you can’t do it if you start with the yellow.

Yea you have to use the blue one op, the yellow is for dyels

Kek yeah op should really start at green


I got a black one and I can't even do them on my knees, got a red one and can barely even lean. Should I just return them and get a green one like a fag?

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doable. just lose weight and do a lot of pull-ups

wut? Do you not have legs or something?

i recognize that nigger

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Here's another impossible one OP

This one LITERALLY is not possible

Attached: hor pull ups.png (573x758, 445.95K)

>ITT post lifts that are literally fucking impossible
so basically any advanced calisthenics?

This one I don't think has been done by any body

Attached: jackknife pull ups.png (452x646, 305.3K)

One handed handstand push-ups like Vegeta did has never been done I think.

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I carried some girl for like a minute total and next day my serratus anterior was ON FIRE

I'd do them easily (12 reps), I couldn't do the knees variation because it would hurt my iliopsoas.

melanin progression