Vikings vs Spartans

Which Civilization had a greater level of physical fitness?

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Might be the people who’s society was legally organized around physical training rather than the the one that happened to raid

Spartans and Vikings are not that different. Both were complete savages, but even if it sounds surprising Spartans were even fucking WORSE than the Vikings.

Spartans could pretty much be considered Barbarians, if they weren't Greek.

Sparta was known for having shit food, shit architecture, they didn't give a shit about arts or philosophy. They didn't even have historians, we know they existed because Athenians and other Greeks wrote about them. Etc.

Even Vikings had some pretty descent historians, I must admit.

Vikings are subhuman

>Mogs them both

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Spartans had better fitness overall on virtue of actually having a culture that cared about it. Vikings may have better measurables on average but they were mostly fat villagers who just intimidated others for ransoms

maybe the one that was completely focused on warfare and not the one where farmers just decided to raid

The reason germanics are tall is because longer reach = you dont get killed as easily and pass on your genes

All of them were most likely wirey beanpoles, nords werent exactly hunter gatherers but they had a lot more access to meat and milk than meds did. Spartans typically ate pork stew with blood, romans ate mostly fish and pourage. They probably had the worst physique for fighting but made up for it with insane endurance from constant group training, marching, and when they werent fighting their generals made them do construction labor to keep them busy so they wouldnt harass civilians.

If Vikings are so shit tier and savage

why did they funded dozens of Kingdoms, earldoms and settlements all across Europe?

Why are their genetics part of ALL the European Royal Families?

Why did they make it to America before everyone else?

Vikings bashers are extremely retarded

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Vikings literally created Modern Russia, the Kingdom of Sicily, Normandy and could be argued they also created Modern England

Norse civilization =/= Vikings
Vikings were literally pirates

those were the northern kingdoms like norway, sweden etc with armies and soldiers NOT vikings

yea they made it to america and then didnt do shit with it, doesent matter

>also created modern england


>didnt do shit
He doesnt know bout Norumbega...

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>more access to meat
Bro theres barely any farmland in scandinavia to raise large quantities of animals except for denmark. In greece you can have them feed outside 12 months a year. In scandi we killed off most of our animals come fall and winter. Then bulked up with what we had and prayed it was enough to last 8 months of below 0 degrees. Fishing was and still is far more common and it lasts way longer due to ease of preservation. Grains were rare and could only feed so many, but it was mostly nigget tier food for slaves and trells, most of it was converted to beer.

Bulking for the winter, then cutting for the summer was the norm for literally everyone. Hard physical labour was required and competitive physical games was common pasttime. There was an arab traveler who met a gang of vikings in constantinople who described them as the most aestethic, shredded and strong people he had ever seen. At the time we were gigachads while the rest of europe consisted of grain eating balding manlets. Raiding and stealing women was a direct consequence once they realized how cucked continentals had become after forced christianization had made everyone weak. All of these factors played a large part in why we could raid freely with 1/100 the manpower of the continentals.

>be Spartan
>begin physical training as a child
>work hard every day to become the warrior society wants you to be
>fight the greatest armies of the known world
>be Viking
>chop wood and hunt or whatever through childhood
>sit around on a boat
>kill elderly turbo dyels
Spartans btfo Vikings. They were still retards though.

You dont need that much land for pigs which is what most germanics ate. Only jarls could afford lots of cattle, common people usually had a couple per village for milk. Another reason for viking expeditions was to get better land so they could eat more

>They were all Spartiates

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Spartans without a doubt, you would probably be shunned by your village if you didn't train

Jarls would also share what he had with the common folk during great feasts as to not lose popularity and get replaced. Pigs and chickens were largely kept year round due to ease of maintainance while a select few cattle/horses/sheeps were kept for breeding purposes.

Which is why we settled in england, france, italy, spain, northern africa, iceland, greenland, faroes, vinland (america), turkey, iran, ukraine, russia, estonia, latvia, lithuania, poland etc. lack of land + population growth so people were forced to leave if they wanted to survive.