Should I start var as a female?

I'm afraid I'll end up looking like this

Attached: 16584170.png (208x264, 108.15K)

you'll never be a man

Okay but first we need pics

If looking like this isn't your goal, there's no point. Just get toned.

bullshit, there are countless women on gear who look great, this one just looks like shit

>thinly veiled meg hate thread

>there are people who jerk off to this dude

Attached: lel.jpg (208x158, 11.18K)

Wife's thinking about taking var to recover more quickly from pregnancy, she lot a bit of muscle.
Should she?

Dont take anything until breastfeeding is over you fucking monkey.

Of course you retard, that's accounted.

i look like this and im a man. god i hate my skinny neck

why not? var laced milk sounds like a good idea, ur baby will grow faster. the jews want u to have weak babies

Yeah, it looks hot and patty looks hot.

shut up retarded roastie. go ruin your body with male hormones. nobody is stopping you.

Name a single one (1)

You WILL masculinise
your voice will drop
you will grow hair where there wasn't
your skin will get leathery
your face will become more angular and have more masculine features
your clit will grow to the size of a penis
and then and only then....

I will allow you to fuck me and i'll jerk off your clitdick while pounding that marbled disgusting varbie anus

Plenty of female wrestlers and bodybuilders/cross-fit athletes. Men who claim:
>They are men!! reee digusting!!
Are either men who don't get women anyways and would never have a chance with these women they judge, or they are extremely inseure and HAVE to feel incontrol and masculine.
I've noticed something similar with guys who like small women with small hands and feet, and say their dicks "look massive" compared to these women. I'm not a dicklet, so I actually like big-tall women and I am not intimidated by a woman with bigger hands and feet than me, nor a woman with muscle.

Attached: 165808514445199.png (350x263, 113.26K)

If you bring more than enough masculinity to a relationship, aren't you pretty much being cheated if she just brings even more masculinity on top of that?
What a fucking cop-out, what would the reason for relationship even be at that point?

>Should I start var as a female?
>I'm afraid I'll end up looking like this
>bullshit, there are countless women on gear who look great, this one just looks like shit

This is nothing but a leanbeefpatty hate thread
she is fucking awesome and did absolutely nothing wrong. All the hate she gets is completely unjustified and I would choose her ANY DAY over any random leftist communist liberal socialist satanic globalist democrat SJW feminist fake fitness poser

I like leanbeefpatty because she's just a person, and she's cute and smart and she could kill me with her pinky finger. She's just honest and good.

They are still women, they still exhibit female behavours, personality traits and a different outlook on like due to being a woman. You aren't going out with a man, this is still a woman that experiences life as a woman.
I don't know what you feel cheated out of? Some women can be extremely dominating, no matter what they look like, what are you so insecure about?

Attached: muscle chick car.jpg (1080x1350, 166.64K)

Btw I'm talking about trans women if that matter

You think you're gonna like fucking wake up one day and oh no now you have ten fucking kilograms of extra muscle? There is no way this is gonna happen without months of obsessive training and looking at mirrors all day. Dumbass.
Just stop using it the day your muscles look a little big.