How to fix insulin resistance?

doc says my fasted insulin is too high and im resistant, its causing my blood sugar to be unstable

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stop leaking fatty acids from your adipocytes

Stop eating/drinking sugary things. Watch your carbs for a while. 200 to 250g of carbs a day for a healthy young man is enough. Get said carbs from complete nutritional sources such as potatoes, fruits, brown rice ect. This'll reduce your insulin resistance and bring it back to baseline. And yes, artificial sweeteners are fine, they do trigger an insulin response since you taste sweetness, but your body quickly realizes no actual sugars were ingested so said insulin response is very small. Nothing that'd trigger an increased resistance.

Do cardio.
Don't eat corn syrup.

1. Fasting
2. Drink Kefir
3. Low carb diet (keep it under 50g a day)

how do i do that if i need to drop a few pounds

how much kefir? i thought dairy spiked insulin?

try a controlled release instead of leaking

i dont get what either of those terms mean

I'm not a ketoschizo but reduce carb consumption, increase indigestible fibre consumption (metabolised to short chain fatty acids by your gut bacteria), Increase high quality fat consumption, EXERCISE, LIFT WEIGHTS, DO A MIXTURE OF HIIT AND LISS CARDIO
As you lose weight and gain muscle, gradually reintroduce high quality carbohydrates before and after exercising.
Fast intermittently for 16-24 hours at a time.

insulin is supposed to inhibit lipolysis, leaking occurs when your adipocytes have simply grown too big and they don't feel like listening to insulin anymore
most tissues (muscle being the important one) will take up those fatty acids and start declining glucose since they're already full of energy
pancreas will pump out more insulin to keep your blood sugar normal, until it can't anymore and your blood sugar starts to rise

tldr eat less carbohydrates and eat your own fat

>And yes, artificial sweeteners are fine, they do trigger an insulin response since you taste sweetness, but your body quickly realizes no actual sugars were ingested so said insulin response is very small. Nothing that'd trigger an increased resistance.
Artificial sweeteners are fine calorie wise etc but most of the common ones wreak havoc on your gut bacteria.
Sweeteners in mice make them glucose intolerant through changing gut microbes
An overview of all the known effects at date of publishing of FDA and EU approved sweeteners and their Interactions on gut activity. Look at your sweetened snack/beverage of choice, find the sweeteners it contains and then ctrl+f it in this article.

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It does, but a liter of homemade kefir is less than 20 g of carbs

Interesting article. I use stevia and it's apparently safe so that's good.

3 things to keep in mind

1. Look at the food youre eating and look for its glycemic index. Higher the worse it is.

2. Your musclemass keeps your blood sugar levels more stable. Aka lift heavy.

3. Sleep can fuck up your bloodsugar and bloodsugar can fuck up your sleep. Try to sleep more.

Also kidneys and or pancreas could be fucked but since doctor said you have it bad then i presume you already have bloodwork done. And dont fucking fast you will pass out esp if you are lightweight.

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I reversed my diabetes in 3 months if that's what you're looking for. All I did was cut out all sugar and limited all other carbs. I did OMAD + snacks to get my 1500-2000kcal consisting of: 300g chicken breast, 11g tallow, 600g frozen normandy Veg mix, 15g ghee, 60g almonds, 2-3 apples/pears, and flavorless protein powder.

Check again. It says it does change gut bacteria but more data is needed.

not possible unless you change ALL your cells in your body

blackpilled retard

>How to fix insulin resistance
I don't think it can be fixed but do try to avoid food with a high (>70) glycemia index, those are the ones that will cause your body to secrete insulin.

Redpill me on kefir

Doesn't it have lactose like everything else dairy?