Bros my prostate/ass hurts everytime I coom, it's like a dull pain that lingers for 45min-1hs after cooming...

Bros my prostate/ass hurts everytime I coom, it's like a dull pain that lingers for 45min-1hs after cooming. What the FUCK is going on?

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You’re a fag

Fuck off
I forgot to add, I am not a homosexual and do not insert anything in my asshole.

Why do you have to lie?

literally look at the picture. it's because your rectum isnt empty

you may have pudendal neuralgia, or something like prostatitis

go to urologist and see a pelvic floor physical therapist

It's God letting you know he disapproves of your coomer ways. Either that or prostatitis, ejaculatory duct obstruction, muscular problem with your pelvic floor or super AIDS.

When I was younger I used to get much sharper pain and literally shit blood, am I gonna die of prostate cancer bros...?

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Stop cooming

Well maybe you should. I’m a fag and I don’t have this problem.

Stop masturbating

I am generally anti doctor, but go to the fucking doctor, theres almost definitely something wrong with your prostate. Maybe its your excuse to hop on finasteride and keep your hair.

I could massage your prostate for you if you'd like (with my cock)

You coom too many times a week.

go to your doctor dumbass you probably have some kind of treatable medical condition and could be like, not in pain instead you're sitting there hurting lol wtf

Go easy on squatplug

>has colon/prostate cancer
>asks Any Forums for advice instead of going to a doctor and getting the tumour removed before it becomes inoperable and has to go on chemo for months to shrink it back down while killing ass his gains

Not OP, but I saw an acupuncturist for pudendal neuralgia. Cured after a year. I think there’s a lot of very complicated equipment down there and that it’s definitely worth getting a proper workup, but if everything is structurally and functionally ok down there, acupuncture seems to work. The acupuncturist said he had tons of guys come in with pelvic pain issues and acupuncture helps him all.

I get that when you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail, but it worked for me.

>assigned male at birth

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Differential is pretty much impossible without a physical exam, but what you can do is not masturbate for 3 days, then masturbate, once you ejaculate, do so naturally using only the muscle contractions onto a flat surface, then examine the semen for coagulated globs or discolorations, that's a sign of retrograde ejaculation which can eventually result in prostatitis, if there's blood then you're either taking a blood thinner, nitrofurantoin, rifampin or you have cancer.
also you could have impaction poking your prostate as points out
not medical advice btw

My penis is gonna be massging this twinks prostate this weekend