If heavy conventional deadlifts aren’t part of your weekly routine you are not a real man and that’s why women...

If heavy conventional deadlifts aren’t part of your weekly routine you are not a real man and that’s why women think you are a pathetic bitch. Enjoy being the pussy in the room with bad posture and the strength of “the wife” in a homosexual marriage.

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Hit 495x3 today. You have to live it.

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Congrats brother. Wagmi

That's a lot of assertion of masculinity from a guy who can't fight.


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yep so cool man, wish I was you, think everyone just admires the fuck out of you, all I think about when I know a dude deadlifts is sucking their dick dry because they're that cool

Post back

>yep so cool man, wish I was you, think everyone just admires the fuck out of you, all I think about when I know a dude deadlifts is sucking their dick dry because they're that cool

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>hurt my ass and hamstring
No more deadlifts for me

You have a weak ass and weak hamstrings. You should consider deadlifts for that

Literally why though. Honestly. It sucks all the energy out of you for not much payout. You only progress in DL for the sake of progressing in DLs. Shit for hypertrophy and actively hurts you in your other lifts. As a wise man once said, “muh risk to reward ratio”.

I think I'm just going to switch to rdl's, keep the bent over rows and never deadlift again. All I care about is muscle growth

Fuck taking weeks off for an injuries, that's bullshit

blowing massive ropes to the thought of you deadlifting atm, you're so damn cool, fuckkkkk

lifting in general doesnt make u a man, if u’re not an athlete its just dead weight. at least learn how to fight so u stop being a buff pussy.

>Shit for hypertrophy
>World Champion bodybuilder does deadlifts
Deadlifts are a great exercise for both strength and hypertrophy. Hits a lot of muscles in a single exercise. You don't need to go heavy on them, 5x8-12 with a moderate weight focusing on contraction like you would any other exercise where the goal is hypertrophy.

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Today I did 190(418lbs)x3x3 then 162.5(358lbs)x3x3.
Luv me deadlifts.
Simple as.


deadlift on leg day or back day?

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Back. Leg day is for squatting.

Doesn't matter. I like doing RDLs after squats on leg day.

Funny how people who criticize deadlifts never post body

ok dude I get it, you're the coolest dude ever, don't need to tell me twice I can tell you deadlift