Why aren't you spending more time outside?

>Becoming one with nature is a sure-fire way to boost your T-levels. It was found that just 15-20 minutes spent outdoors can increase testosterone levels by up to 120%.

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Today I made a conscious decision to not wallow in my hotel room and eventually masturbate until the early hours of the morning. Instead I got on all trails app and looked for nice scenic walks in the area. I have just arrived back at the hotel and I feel so much better for it.

I work away a lot and while I still go to the gym when I do, I can find myself masturbating until 2-3am even when I have work in the morning at 7. I will not be an addict anymore and I will use my love of the outdoors to help me overcome it.

I'm bloated as fuck right now as I'm trying to fix some hormonal shit. I'll go back outside more regularly when things are more fixed

Being outside and nature are nice and all but I doubt that

There's not much more to do outside than inside. Shits all the same. That said, about to take the van living pill so I will be spending nearly 100% of my time outside, I'm sure it will be nice. Can't wait to be on a beach somewhere cooking up steak and eggs out the back of the van, lifting homemade sandbag weights, and then showering naturally in the ocean

You should shower after the ocean, the salt is bad for your skin

Too fucking hot!

Sorry, seen enough IRL soijacks touching grass to question that 120%

120% of 0 is still 0.if however, you are not starting at zero t, you'll do good

Bitchmade faggot detected
>Verification not required

Got a pair of rings and I go into nearby forest and hang them there from a tree almost daily. It's pretty based to train outside honestly.

But I am. Just yesterday I did a 20km hike off the paths up and down cliffs and hills in the woods. Today I spent three hours training outside. When my vacation is over I'm quitting driving to work and instead walking. I hunt, I hike, I jog in the woods.

Dude just jerk it and don't let it cool your life, that's literally it.

My job is almost entirely outdoors

in this ducking heat? no thanks

You need to hunt with spears

He's hot. Men need to wear less clothes more often.

Yeah, you're so badass with your dry Ass skin bro

>It was found that just 15-20 minutes spent outdoors can increase testosterone levels by up to 120%.

It was not and this is bullshit. Like really? You think people had 600ng/dl testosterone and just bumped it up to doping levels?

If you stopped circle jerking yourself you'd realize test boosting shit is bullshit. If HALF this shit worked you'd have test levels over 1500 ng/dl. The only effective "test boosters" are removing things that have made you a complete degenerate, like being not fat and eating halfways decent foods.

>It was found that just 15-20 minutes spent outdoors can increase testosterone levels by up to 120%.
Imagine thinking an extra milligram of test in your body for a couple hours does fuck all.
You muh test boosts faggots are the biggest copers in the world.

the average natty produces about 7mg test per day.
So imagine less than a 0.5mg in your system at any given time. A 120% is whole 0.6mg lol.
Gonna be a high T chad in no time if you just go stand in the backyard for 20 mins.